♡︎𝗰 𝗵 𝗮 𝗽 𝘁 𝗲 𝗿 ★︎ 𝘁 𝘄 𝗲 𝗹 𝘃 𝗲♡︎

16 2 0

Damn I woke up in somebody basement in supposing it stank like ass in here
"AYE MY NIGGAS YALL NEED SUM FEBREEEZEEE IN DIS MUTHAFUCKA!" I yelled loud enough to where them fuckers should hear.

"Listen lil bitch ya ass not leaving anytime soon so get used to the smell" Some nigga said.

"Manneeeee ion take shit from nobody ya ass betta be glad im tied up or else I woulda popped yo ass for calling me out my name" I said.

Dat nigga came up to me and tried to slap me but i bit his hand.. Yep bit that shit hard to its bleeding... Hehe...

"YOU BITCH" he yelled.

Then bout three otha niggas came into the room along WITH Jordan.

"Y'all gon have to do sum with this bitch before I kill ha ass" he said putting a pistol to my head.

"Daamnnnn nigga chilllllll you shouldn't have tried to slap yo company" I said.

He got mad and stormed out the room still holding his bleeding hand.

"Let me introduce myself remember that phone call from the other day, that was me so allow me to explain what you shal-" he started explaining but i cut him off.

"Listen whatever your offering ion want it just get me sum febreeze tho becuz it smells like ass and shit in here." I said.

Jordan came up to me and put duck tape on my mouth so I couldn't talk

"You talk to much" Jordan said.

"Anyways as I was saying you will obey our orders and when we're done will send instructions to your family on how to get you back if you dont apply to them rules you will face the consequences but more importantly your mainly here becuz we have sum unsettled business with your parents." he said.

I looked at them like 'well am I gonna get sum names?'

"Oh yea I forgot call they call me big red the boy standing beside Jordan is my son Tay" he said.

Then started to leave "Oh and Tays gonna untie you I suggest you dont try and escape these rooms are sound proof and not many know of them so screaming wont help either." Big red said.

Then him the other dude and Jordan left leaving me with Tay.

He ripped the duck tape off which hurt like a muthafucka then started untying me.

"Ughhh this is stupid asf" I said.

Then looked at his face it took a moment to realise ir but now I know where I saw him from he was the nigga with Jordan who was at my door at like 4 sum in the morning.

"Hmm you know yeen ugly" I said.

"I know" he said smirking.

Damn he fine but lemme not forget this the nigga who damn kidnapped me.

"So tell me about yourself" he said.

Hmmm maybe he aint all bad.

"Well I just turned 16 few days ago, my favorite color is blue, I run a secret gang called Lit hoe sphere or L.H.S for short its an all girl gang with alliances to other gangs, and ummm thats about all im willing to tell you oh and i go by street name lil brazy" I said.

He nodded.

"Well you gon tell me about yourself" I said playfully punching his arm.

"Why not" he said shrugging.

"Well im 17, Im in a gang ran by a friend of my dads son, im singleeee" he said dragging out the word "and I'm fine asf" he said laughing a bit at the end.

It was getting all romantic and shit he was leaning in and I was leaning in. As soon as his lips got close to mine I turned my head and he kissed my cheek.

"Manee stop playing" he said.

"Dude Ian gon forget ya ass kidnapped me nigga is you dumb" I said laughing

Yk it aint all bad I been here for a few days but ig its fine as long as the fam safe and I think im starting to like Tay I mean he's cute and nothing like how I thought he'd be. He's sweet, funny, kind, and he gives me attention and stuff. And he's nothing like Jayden or DeShawn.

I think I could really make this thing work even if he is my kidnapper.

Haaaaa bitch you thought this🤣 this aint no cliche falling for my kidnapper tyoe shit got me fucked all the way up.😂😂

"Nova daddy said he's on the way back with DeShawn." I told her.

"Finally its been days" she said.

She wasnt wrong there I mean mama's home but its not the same with out DaShay here.

As in walking down stairs I here a knock at the door.

"Its open!" I yelled half way down the stairs.

"Damn I thought I taught y'all to lock doors in this house"

" DADDY YOUR HOME NOW WE CAN FIND DASHAYYY" I Yelled causing mama and Nova to come out of there rooms.

Ima just leave this rii here becuzz it 11:55
And I told y'all chapter 12 was gon be up today sooo lemme post it

Dee out😘 (cause kash phone got took)

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