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(A/N: if you still reading thank you writers block has been cured hoes enjoy.)

After he said that i sat there with shock. "Why do they need me?" I asked. "Hm oh well idk." He said then he got a call. "Hey. what's up?" He said into the phone. Their convo went on for heat felt like forever. So I just layed down in the back seat and took another nap.

I was having a good ass dream when i woke up to my number one best friend Akari. I jumped up and hugged her. "HEYY BITCH ITS BEEEN WAAYY TOO LONG" i shouted. "YESS BITCH WE HAVE SO MUCH TO CATCH UP ON." She yelled back. Then realization hit me. "Wait a minute how tf am I here." I said. "Oh well that's simple your cousins called me and said they wanted you out of the hood." She said while still in the hug. "Wait but Chris said the black swift ordered him to get me" I said. And she just nodded with a 'mhm'. "So peicing the pieces together the leader could be you but its also not because you live out west. So that means..." I said. "Nyla and Ny'Asia own the black swift......" I said. "BINGOOO" a voice yelled from behind me causing me to jump out from the hug. "NYLA NYASIA WTF EXPLAIN THIS SHIT." I Yelled at them. "Ah its simple darling-" I cut them off. "What's with the 'darling' bullshit." I said. "Just stfu and let us finish." Nyla said. "So as i was saying. Its simple we own the gang yes but we dont want you in the gang. We want a future for you amd your friends which is why we're moving you out of the hood until you graduate. Along with the rest of teenagers in the hood." Ny'Asia said. I dropped to my knees. What was i supposed to do I grew up in the hood it's my home. Then Nyla bent down to me. "Listen ik its hard but all these drug dealing niggas and shit and gang bangers thats not good for you. Jayden, Ambrey, DeAyzah, and a few others agreed to get out of the gang." She said. "Also dont worry about your gang we're turning it into something great." Ny'Asia said. "What exactly are you turning it into?" I said. "A COMPAANYY" They both yelled at the same time. That doesn't sound so bad. "What kind of company?" I said. "Like basically your own brand LHS. Where you can sale anything you want. " Ny'Asia said. "Like clothes. Lipgloss. Makeup. Hair accesories and other things." Nyla added. "Ok lets do it." I said. Then we all high fived. I almost forgot Akari was here until she spoke up. "And I'm your co-owner" she said. "Perfect" i said. "Also we already told your parents and they were fine with it so the building is ready all we have to do is move in." Ny'Aisa said. "Annnnd youu havee your own houseee. Kinda like the hype house. (Just without all the drama. And its actually fun).

"Ok lemme call the girls to get them here." I said. Grabbing my phone. "Nope we have everything AND WE MEAN EVERYTHING covered." The twins said. "Ok."

Sorry its short I'm just sooo exciiteddd anyways hosue and complany tour in the next chapter also might add sum of the brands products bc im actually thinking of starting a brand soo dont know yet.

Kash and danni out byeee

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