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(A/N: yuurrrrr Kassshhhh hereeeee I got my phone bacccckkk yesterdayy🥳🥳, thanks to special request from my little cousins Fran I will be posting a special chapter for Chris daniels bday yesterday, viewer discreatoon is advised mature content up ahead explicit details... But lets get into this shit anyway🤪🍆🍑. Heheheheeee....)



"DEAYZAAAHHH" I called out to my girlfriend.

"WHAT!" She yelled back.

"Awwww, I'm hurt you forgot my birthday." I yelled. Tbh I realy am hurt like damn mami.

"IAN FORGET SHIT" she yelled while I hear her running toward my room.

My eyes widen when she arrives

(Daaaaamnnn bitch looking fine asss heeeelllll sanging like lizzzzooo, just imagine her ass DeAyzah but still daaamann bihhh my fat ass cant fit into- wait lemme rephrase this thicc ass)

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(Daaaaamnnn bitch looking fine asss heeeelllll sanging like lizzzzooo, just imagine her ass DeAyzah but still daaamann bihhh my fat ass cant fit into- wait lemme rephrase this thicc ass)

"Well damn whats all this" I said hiding my little smirk.

"You've been talking about birthday sex for the past few weeks while over the phone so why not do it today" she said. All sexy and shit.

3rd person P.O.V.

DeAyzah turned on birthday sex by Jeremiah.

(Song at top😻☝🏾)

She started peppering kisses all along his neck and collar bone. Slowly feelings her hands over every inch of her body feeling every muscular part of him.

"Hey, hey now just because it's my birthday doesnt mean you get all the fun" Chris said as he flipped DeAyzah over onto her back.

As he did that she staryed to take of his shirt and his pants leaving him in nothing but his boxers.

As she looked down she saw a little bulge in his pants, her face grew as red as a tomato.

Chris ofcouse noticed and decided to tease her.

"Like what you see?" He said smirked as he started kissing her. While groping her breast.

As he kissed her he deepened the kiss and licked her bottom lip as if asking if he can inter his tongue.

She decided to deny him entrance, so he squeezed her boob a little and she gasped giving him enough time to slip his tongue into her mouth.

They faught for dominance eventually Chris winning and exploring every inch of her wet cavern, as she moaned in the kiss causing him to deepen it even more. The kiss getting more and moreheated by the second.

She reached her hand down touching his friend and he pulled back from the kiss smiling.

She whined of why he pulled back.

"I'm not so sure you can take on the beast just yet" he said.

"I cant take anything try me" she said with confidence.

"Mmm lets test the waters before we try out the big guns just yet" he said with a wink.

As he pulled off her langerie and tossed it somewhere in the room exposing her already soaking wet kitty.

"Seems like your waters are already filling a river" he said smirked whilst she just looked away.

He bent his head down and started eating and sucking on her wet cavern down below, as she just moaned loudly lucky for them his door was sound proof and they had some pretty thick walld so nobody would hear them... Hopefully.

This went on for a while before she came all over his face, he smiled and licked his lips.

"Think you can take my monster now?" He asked her.

"Im tired now babe" she whined.

"Oh well either way its still my birthday and we're gonna fuck until midnight" he said as he positions himself at her entrance.

Slowly pushing himself in she thinks nothing of it, until he starts moving and it feels as if its growing inside of her.

Groaning as he starts going faster and harder and she moans loudly as the back board starts hitting the walls.

For anyone close enough to the door all they would have heard was banging against the walls and moaning and groaning.


They had been going at it for a while coming over and over again surprisingly enough chris was not tired but DeAyzah was worn out.

She looked over at the time thankful it was 11:50

'Only ten more minutes' she thought.

Chris streching her walls out like that hurt like hell but felt so good.

"Time to fuck you like I mean it now" he said licking his lips.

"W-wait so your werent seri-" she couldn't even finish her sentence before he flipped her over so she was on all 4's, and slammed into her without warning fucking her so hard she probably would need crutches.

"M-more d-damn" she said. It felt good but she was so tired.

"You know how to beg properly" he said going slower.

"Please daddy fuck me harder" she said in between moans.

"My pleasure" he said.

Then rammed into her ass fucking her as hard and fast as he could.

"S-shit hope your on that pill" he said.

She nodded signaling that she was.

When she did he released all of his load into her still dripping wet pussy.

Then they layed down too tired to be bothered by their mess.

"I hope you know from now on every time I fuck you we're fucking till midnight" he whispered in her ear.

It sent shiverers down her spine.

As they were still both tired it didn't stop him from teasing her one last time.

He put to fingers in her kitty and pumped them till she came again. Then they both fell asleep in each others arms.

(Daaaamnnnnn bitttccccchhhhh haaaddd itttt goooooooodd gooood. Like she got that good dick damn.

Hope y'all liked this chapter took me forever. Because im the only one who writes this stuff soo yea. Kash out boo's😘😘)

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