♡︎𝗰 𝗵 𝗮 𝗽 𝘁 𝗲 𝗿 ★ 𝘀 𝗶 𝘅 𝘁 𝗲 𝗲 𝗻♡︎

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(This is after her suspension becaausseee dont nobody wanna read about her sittiing on her ass, iss time😌)

'Iss is bordering what to do, what to do' ohhh. I raise my hand up and ask if I can go to the bathroom. "MS CHAANCCY I CAN GO TO THE BATHROOOOM."  "Why didnt you go when we all went as i group?" She asked. "Bc......" I tried to think of something to say. "The only available stall was dirty" I said. "Child" she sighed. "Ok go and take the pass with you" she said. "Okay thanks byee" i said. Grabbed the pass and left. As i was walking down the hall I see DeAyzah and Nigel. "Ayyeee waasssgoood." I said. "DaShay aint you supposed to be in iss?" Nigel asked. "Yea" DeAyzah said. "I asked ms chancy to let me go to the bathroom." I said. They both said oh. "Welp bitch le-" but before DeAyzah could say anything Ms.Rollin came up to us. Omg I can get her to let me hang in her class. "Hi girls" she said. Nigel just coughed. While me and DeAyzah tried to contain our laughter. "Oh I'm sorry Nigel. Hi ladies. And Nigel" she said while laugjing a bit. "It's alright ms.rollin."

"Anyywaaayss. Ms.Rollin pleaasseee let me hang in your classes as for thee reesst of iss"I pleaaded. "Ok but just for today" she said. I waved my two friends bye and went with MS.Rollin.
Finality at herr class. As im getting into the class i see carla that bitch I fought at the beginning of the year now that I think about it Carla and Carle are they sisters oh well ugly is ugly Periodt.

When ms.rollin walked out of class that bitch came over to me and started saying sum smart shit. So yk I did what I had to AND POPPED THAT MF IN THE MOUTH. Then called my mama to pick me up and take me home before I could get into trouble. Now im at the house bored asf.

*ring ring* "ughhh who tf is calling me" i said as i answer the phone. The next words i heard made my bloood run cold. "Danni" the other voice said. "Who's this." I said acting like I didn't know who it was when I knew all too well. "Diamond Mendéz this is not the time to play around." They said seriously. "I'm sorry" i said quietly. Then I looked around and went to my room to make sure nobody was there. "What do you need who are you?" I questioned. "You should remember me Danni I'm hurt you dont" they said. Dammit a bitch cant ever take a break. "Im sorry Idk who this is." I said. 'Fuck how the hell am I suppose to know when they have a damn voice changer on' I thought. "Tell me who this is now" i said with venom and seriousness laced in my voice. "Fine" they started " I will tell you in the form of a riddle" they said. 'Riddles? No it couldn't be her.' I thought about the only person who loves riddles and technology. I was snapped out of my thoughts as they started speaking again. "The first person in hell was a boy prettiest of all time." They said. 'Easy thats lucifer' "the second one a girl adams wife to be exact" they continued. 'Lillith' " Now what did they both have in common." They said. 'first person in hell lucifer. First demon lillith now what do they both have in common' I thought hard about this. "THATS IT" I shouted out loud. "THEY BOTH BROUGHT DESTRUCTION AND MAYHAM LUCIFER WAS THE DEVIL AND LILLITH WAS BASICALLY HIS RIGHT HAND MAN MAKING THEM THE DEVIL DUO" I Said well semi-shouted. "Yes do you remember now" they said. "I do remember. "I'm surprised you still remember." I said. "Akari" I said. "Glad to have you back Danni" she said. And I felt as if I could see her smile through the phone...

The devil duo is back i thought as I smiked and hung up.

Wheeeewwww whosss akari???

Ok thatsss my bestie luv you lots akari. They called us the devil duo alot in highschool so we stuck to it~kash.

What's gon happen next stay tunnedd~see

Btw my gramma call me Danni soo why not call dee danni too~dee

Anywhooo byeeee~ kash and dee

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