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(A/N: go check out my fran new book it is immaculate aprincessovernight)


(Not the real akari but she look alot like her^^)
As im walkibg down the hallway of my school I hear wispers. Specially from the new girl.. You see i own- well not own but I have good connections with a gang over on the east-coast called the S.B.S and i guess you could say they're a big deal also on the west-coast.
"What's so scary about her she's not even all that. Devil duo? Puh lease that sounds like sum sad ass kids group" the new girl said. "Hey dont say that she could hear you" her friend said worried. "Idgaf" the new girl said. Finally deciding I had enough I walk over to the two. I go close enough to the new girl and hug her. She's shocked at first but then hugs back like we've known each other for ever. Then I take my trusty knife and stab her shoulder but before she can scream I wisper seductively in her ear. "My my, am I still apart of a kids group now" I wispered into her ear. "N-no ma'am" she stuttered. "Mmm good" I said. As i pulled the knife out and walked away not daring to look back. After that i went into the bathroom and took out my phone. I had called my other half last night and had a loong chat. I'm gonna meet her again and then nothing will stop us.. Yes me and her the devil duo will rain again. The streets and states will finally remember out name. I wonder what jay jay's doing

I paced around my room scared and frightend yes thats my old friend but that doesn't mean she's not scary... She's smart and a tech genius yes I can do that and hackers but not like her she's on a whole nother level and and stuff. I operate gun and weapons like a pro... Maybe that's why people were scared of us but oh well. Now we're just a legend. The legend of the devil duo a story told to all.. They even made a book about us but not with our names ofc so no fame.

"Hey HEY DEE" I looked to my side and saw... Christian McCloud or just Chris for short, but now the real question is just what is a famous nigga doing at my school. "Yes that's me, now can you not yell" i said. "Ah yes ofc" he said acting.. Nervous?.. "Why so nervous" I said turning back towards my locker. How has nobody noticed this nigga. "You know Akari right?" He said. I looked at him shocked and dropped my books. Then just as i was about to answer he pulled me by my arm and ran out of the school luckily i had my backpack still on but ppl were already calling my name and i could hear the sirens. Oml i am being kidnapped by a famous person.

"Hey you can wake up now" Chris said. "Where are we" i said while rubbing my eyes. "We're in Maimi florida" he said smiling. "Oh well. WHY THE HELL DID YOU KIDNAP ME SICK FUCK IDGAF IF YOUR FAMOUS" I yelled at the end. "Calm tf down. We're temporarily until I get orders to move." He said. "Orders from who exactly?" I questioned. He then turned around and smiled and said. "Why the black swift of course"

Oh lorddd this wass rushed bc shit has been going on.

I am going through crisis because of yk crushy crush problems.~kash

Yall i just found out i got two little sisters🥺~ dee

We promise to update more~Danni(ima go by Danni know~dee) and kash

We promise to update more~Danni(ima go by Danni know~dee) and kash

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Chris is ma papi chulo😍~kash

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