♡︎𝗖 𝗵 𝗮 𝗽 𝘁 𝗲 𝗿 ★ 𝗡 𝗶 𝗻 𝗲 𝘁 𝗲 𝗲 𝗻♡︎

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(A/N: hey lovlies😋 before we start this chapter we just wanna say sorry for keeping you waiting and btw I'm coming out with a new book. First chapter will be posted at 12 midnight. Annnd it's totally nothing like our hood story but trust and believe its interesting. With that being said buyyy from danni)
This bitch is huge i thought while looking at the house. As i walked inside
"Nigel! DeAyzah!" I yelled at my friends as I saw them already inside. "Aye wassuh dee" Nigel said. "Wasssgoooodd" DeAyzah yelled back. "Girl I got tea." DeAyzah said. "Oh shit whats the tea" Nigel said. "None yo damn business its girl stuff" DeAyzah said to him. And then he just walked off somewhere I guess to his room. "Ok so whos all staying in the house?" I asked. "Chris, me, Jayden, Nigel, Ambrey, your sisters ofc, you and your parents. Oh and Bruce." She said. "Bruce? Who's that?" I asked her. "Oh I forgot we needed an equal amount of boys and girls and since nova knew him she invited him here" she said. Then i just said oh okay and we went on about our day.
_________________________________________(laters on that day)

"DIAMOND COME DOWNSTAIRS IN THE LIVING ROOM" DeAyzah yelled. Im do happy i just got done packing and wanted to sleep BUT no bc if I didn't go down I'm sure someone would drag me down. So when I got into the living room I noticed it was DeAyzah, Nova, Ocean, Ambrey, Jayden, Chris, Nigel, and some boy sitting beside Nigel whome I assumed was Bruce. "Ok we're getting to know we each other so that's why I called you down" DeAyzah said. "But we already know each other. Well except Bruce I assume" i said. "WELL GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER"  DeAyzah shouted. "Ok bet" I said and sat down to complete the circle. "Alright here's how it goes" DeAyzah said while handing around blank white cards. "Okay you all get three cards each on those cards you put down a secret it can be deep or just something you keep secret and we'll draw cards and basically whoever draws a card they will read the secret aloud thats on the card and we'll guess who's secret it is. Y'all in?" She finished. "Hell yeah" everybody said. As everybody got done with the cards we put them in some bigass clown hat. "Ok ok me first" I said. I dug my hand into the hat and pulled out a card and read it aloud. "I am bi-sexual" I read. Everybody looked confused including me until we all looked at bruce. "Bruce is it you?" Nova asked. "...no" he said. "If not you then who!?" She said. "Its... Me" Ocean said. "When I tell you everybodys jaw dropped. She had always been such a homophob when it came to someone questioning her sexuality. "....moving on" I said. Then it was ambrey' s turn and she pulled out a card and read it. "I'm a bi-sexual king" she read. Then i definitly looked at Bruce and said. "So thats why your so fine?" And everybody gave me puzzled looks except for bruce. "Why yes that's my secret but dont worry non of you boys are my type so I won't hit on you." He said laughing at the end with a fake smile. "Haha" I fake laughed because this guy seems suspicious. I know this is a game but he's hiding more than he's letting on...

Sorry this was rushed only 600 words

ut uhh yeah make sure to check out my new book tonight at 12 byee😘

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now