♡︎𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎♡︎

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(A/N: by popular vote from my friends the persom who dying has been decided)

"Him" Ocean said.

"Who is him what happened" I said.

"JACUQES DIED OKAY!" she yelled.

" Oh my god" I said.

Yea we flirted and liked each other a bit but more than anything he was like an older brother to me.

"So whens the funeral..." I said.

"Tommorrow..." She said.

Surprisingly it didnt hurt as bad as I thought it would but yet it still hurt.

I was bout to fall alseep till DeShawn called me.

(A/N: any time somebody otp its gone look like this kinda
Me: blah blah
Them: blah blah)

DeShawn: listen dont be sad it was his choice
Me: what you mean
Deshawn: so they aint tell you why he died
Me: no why is there sum I need to know?
DeShawn: I'll let them tell you

Me: No your gonna tell me wtf is going on
DeShawn: dont get no damn attitude with me now becuz they wanna keep secrets

Me: mmm you right you right but at least tell me sum
DeShawn: just stay away from jayden and mika is all i can say

Then he hung up.
What he meam by stay waaat from jayden and mika?
I got my two of my favorite 60's  and headed down stairs.

I pointed one at Mika and the other at Jayden

"Speak now i want answers or everybody in this bitch is getting hit with a bullet." I demanded.

"Girll why you got the gun pointed at us what we do... I thought we were friends"  she said tryning to sound sad but I could see through her facade.

"DeShawn warned me to stay away from you and ya brother now I wanna know why" I said.

"Mane put the gun down he just dont like us" Jayden said.

"Tru but he wouldn't warn me for nothing" I said. Then Jayden came up to me and for a second I thought he was gone hug me but instead he pulled my ponytail as hard as he could.

For a second I thought he was gonna rip my hair out my scalp.

I looked at Mika and i could sworn i just saw her smile till her little "sadness" facade came back.

"WTH" I shouted at him.

"Now that I got yo attention put the damn gun down" he said.

I looked round at everybody and they just sat there looking back. So i pulled out my phone and called DeShawn.

"Shu" I said.

"Whaaatttt mane we jus got off the phone damn" he said.

"What is it that everybody is hiding from me I got mika and jayden and damn gun point and shit now if ion start getting sum answers right away bullets gon start flying." I said dead serious.

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now