Chapter five

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Benjamin's pov
Her hand was soft and delicate as my big hand covered her little one she had been a good sport about all this never complaining about a single thing. but I had with every test I grew worried. I looked at her closely once agin. She was the girl that the witch had described but if she was my soulmate then how could she be good? I smiled remembering the day I found out about her.
*fifteen years earlier*
I fixed my suit that mother had forced me into. this was the day that would end life for me. I was finding out who my soulmate was as soon as possible I would have to find her and marry her. I made my way down the stairs to watch the ancient witch stir a bubbly potion in a huge pot.
"Now if everyone's ready we can begin."
She chanted over the pot while she took a drop of my blood and tossed it in. slowly a picture started forming. at first all you could see was red then it showed a little of her face finally you could see all of her. my mother clapped in delight.
"She's beautiful."
"She's only five mother I'll have to wait years to meet her then years for her to fall in love with me."
The witch smiled.
"It's not going to be as easy as 1 2 3 young Benjamin she's special so much so that you may never get to be together."
My mom went quite.
"How's that possible?"
"Sometimes when our soulmates are made they get all the parts we didn't and sometimes there out poller opposite. she maybe the perfect person for you or she could be your downfall."
I let the though settle in my mind. I knew that sometimes soulmates weren't meant to be together they where usually just too different or too busy but I always thought I would get to be with mine I mean I was the prince of the shadow world and it was my job to produce a heir.
"What can I do?"
"I can't figure out what she is she's human for sure but there are some other things in there she has dragon blood in her and something else something I haven't come to see yet in any of my clients."
the witch looked at her with a puzzled look.
"Find out what she is and see what the future holds Benjamin."
I made my way up to my room and slammed the door. no I didn't want to get married yet or even find my soulmate yet but I also didn't want to know that the one person in this whole world who was made just for me was not to be mine. I went to the window and jumped out spreading my long black wings. I made it to my destination and looked in at the little girl. instead of watching tv like everyone else she was scribbling away on a pice of paper. I looked in closer to see what she was writing. it was a story about a prince who held dark secrets. that was all I got to read before her mother snatched the paper away from her throwing it in the trash.
"There's no need to write such silly things Ella doctors don't need things like that."
The little girl nodded and wiped her eyes.

*present day*
The sun shown down right on her. She was smiling and laughing as she played with a bird in a tree. the only test that she had passed so far was the animal one she could talk to animals and hear them but I'm sure that was because of her half dragon father. I had been reading books on dragons to try and find out what all she could do and so far I found out that full dragons could shape shift control some of the elements and of course breath fire I didn't test her for any of those yet. I was more worried about the other part. It was down to one thing an Angel. I let her hope for the other things but I could clearly see that she wasn't a witch or a faire. I rubbed the back of my neck. the last test would be easy all she would have to do was let me look at her. As a demon If I chose to I could see Angels and other things as they were supposed to be my enemies but it could only be done at night. I left her out side as I went in to get things set up.

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