Chapter two

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I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the pain but it never came. I cracked my eyes open and he wasn't pinning me down anymore. In fact he was hovering over me with a look of pain on his face. I looked around the room and saw something in the coroner of the room. It stepped forward and smiled. The man hovering in the air let out a whimper as he grew closer. A white light filled the room then the man exploded. I tried to cover myself but I was still hit with parts of him. then the unthinkable happened the man from the corner grabbed my arms and pulled me up and toward the window. Then he jumped with me in his arms the air buzzed around me whipping my hair in all different directions then it stopped I looked around and the man that had pulled me out of the window had grown wings and we were flying in the same spot. I peeked at him and saw that he had deep red eyes and unlike the other man his teeth was normal. He looked me up and down then took off I clung tight her to him and closed my eyes not wanting to see what kind of place he was taking me. Wen we landed he let go of me causing me to fall on my butt. I let out a little gasp as I opened my eyes and saw the giant castle that was in front of me. I looked up at the man who was now wingless and had light brown eyes he smiled and offered me his hand. I sat there looking at it. Should I take it? I mean he did save me but he also brought me here to do God knows what to me. I looked in his eyes one more before grabbing his hand there wasn't rage or hate in his there was only kindness.
"Welcome Ella to your new home. I'm Benjamin."
He bowed and took my hand and we walked to the gate of the castle he punched a password in on the little pad and the heavy gates swung open he pulled me up further toward the castle and opened the huge wooden doors. Servants from every direction ran toward us and ask him question after question and whisked me away from him up the stairs and brought me to a room. It was beautiful it had a chandler in the middle of it with a huge canopy bed a window seat a walk in closet and a bathroom. They told me that diner would be ready soon and that when it was they would get me and I could ask the master of the castle what questions I had. I laid on the bed and closed my eyes and tried to drift to sleep but every time I did I saw the man with the purple eyes face. I sat up and went to the bathroom to splash some water on my face. I laughed when I looked in the mirror. My red hair was in nots and tangled my blue eyes looked tired and had bags under them and the scratch on my cheek had finally stopped bleeding and had already started healing. I jumped when I heard a nock on my door. I slowly opened it. Standing there was a maid.
"Come on my lady the master is waiting."
I nodded and followed her down the marble staircase. She opened the door to the dining room and setting there was the mysterious man and two other people there eyes immediately went to me. The maid ushered me to a seat and they brought out food.
"So Benjamin this is the girl you saved?"
"Yes William and you better stay away from her."
His eyes clashed with anger.
"Of course."
The girl looked me up and down.
"She's not that bad but not perfect either."
"Well she's only human."
Benjamin rolled his eyes while William laughed and the girl smirked.
"Im Rose nice to meet you."
"I'm Ella."
"Ella it's a soft delicate name, it fits you."
I smiled for the first time at her words.
"So Ella you must have a thousand questions to ask us."
"Where am I?"
Benjamin answered.
"Your still in New York just in a different part, the world you are now in is the shadow world where all your nightmares live. And all the monsters play."
"And you all are monsters?"
"Monsters are harsh I mean we did save you."
Rose looked annoyed and crossed her arms.
"Me and William here are vampires while Benjamin here is a crosse breed he's a vampire and demon."
He smiled.
"The best of both demonic worlds."
"Why was that man after me I mean I'm just a human and not much of one at that."
"That's where your wrong love your a very important person here your a half breed yourself only we can't figure out half of what."

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