Cahapter one. Loveless

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Another day had gone by. It was lifeless and dull. I was boring and plain well to most people I was but secretly I was a live wire only one person had ever gotten to see but they were long gone by now. I grabbed my laptop and looked at some of my fan mail. I was a writer who lived my life through books and poems. But it wasn't enough it isn't enough the human soul can only be contained for so long before it starts to brake free and go mad and mine was close to its end. I wanted to taste life to feel it's warm embrace and have its light shine down on me. I wrote a couple of thank you notes and sent them. I looked out my window at the twilight sky. It was beautiful in only the way nature can be. I stayed there for a while before a thought hit me and I grabbed my laptop and started writing. At two the next day I was done I had written the first twenty chapters and I was killed. So I crawled into my bed and closed my eyes as the darkness over came me.

*five hours later*

Screech.....screech....screech. I woke with a startle as the noise continued I looked out the widow and saw two purple eyes looking at me. My heart started to speed up as he took a long finger nail and scratched it down the window making the same awful noise only this time the window cracked. His eyes lit up as my heart beat faster. Once agin he took his finger nail and scratched the widow this time making a circle. Finally the window broke and gave away shattering on the floor I used my arms to cover my face. Before I knew what was happening I was threw to the floor and my arms were pinned down. He smiled and his teeth started growing larger and sharper. I was froze. I wasn't supposed to end up like this not dead by a creature that I had written about. He took a long look down my body and smiled. In one swift motion he cut my face and laughed as I screamed in pain.
"Too bad I got you before he did."
His voice was smooth and chilling it caused me to shake.
"Don't worry love it only hurts for a minute then no more."
He turned my face to the left and slowly crept down until I could feel his icy breath on my neck I squeeze my eyes shut.

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