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I opened up my eyes and stared at the glaringly white ceiling. My head felt like someone rammed an ax in it sideways. Where the fuck was I?

I sat up, looking around the room. I wasn't in Violet's apartment.

I lifted the sheet off my legs and winced at the sight of my dick. Who the hell did I end up sleeping with? And where was my phone? Where was Violet?

The door thudded open just as I was pulling up my boxer briefs. And the blonde I hardly remembered from last night came shuffling in the room with coffees.

"Morning. I wasn't sure if you'd be up." She set the coffees down on her dresser. "I got coffee. I brought a couple of sugar packets and stuff. I wasn't sure what you liked in yours."

She handed mine over, and I took it. "Black is fine."

She smirked.

I brought the coffee to my lips and blew. "What's so funny?"

She shook her head, dismissing her smirk. "You freaked out last night over that girl."

"What the fuck did I do?" Oh shit. Not another night where I couldn't remember what the hell I did.

"You punched Malcolm Wentworth in the face and threw him into the bushes last night," she said, filling me in on my entire stupid escapade.

I shook my head, not believing it. I needed to find my phone and get a hold of Violet so I could smooth this over. "Why the hell would I do that?" It didn't take long to jog my memory. Small bits of last night's shit show started resurfacing. Violet's lips on that guy's mouth were front and center.

"Is there something going on between the two of you?" She sat down on her bed, crossing her legs. She acted like the whole thing was no big deal.

I tugged at my hair. "I've known Violet since first grade. She's my best friend." Was I denying the truth? I searched around the room for my clothes.

"You don't punch your best friends' hook-up in the mouth. But guys who love someone and want them for themselves do."

I found my costume at the end of her bed and slipped back into the pants. I didn't care about the shirt I just wanted to find Violet and talk to her.

"You know where my phone is?"

She brought her coffee to her lips, narrowing her eyes on me. "You chucked it in the street."

What was that my third cell phone in two months? I needed to get my shit together. Violet was right. I was acting like an idiot.

"I had a fun night," she offered. "You were polite, and that was refreshing."

Fuck. I just had to come out and ask. "Did we sleep together?"

"Yes. You don't remember?" She set her coffee down. "Fuck. You really were wasted."

"I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make you feel bad. If anything, I should be the one who feels bad. You're a beautiful girl. What kind of guy doesn't remember being with you?"

She shook her head. "Don't worry about it. The fact that you're even apologizing is more than I've heard from any of these guys around campus. You're a good guy."

"I'm gonna run," I pointed towards the door, hoping I could get out of there without any more small talk.

"Go find your friend. And if you're ever around campus again, look me up," she said with a smile.

I grabbed my shoes and took off, shoving them on in the hallway. I needed to find Violet and see how much I fucked everything up.


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