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"I made breakfast," Bing said as soon as I shuffled into the kitchen, transferring scrambled eggs on two plates on the table.

I had a massive headache from both the drinking and feeling like an asshole on Violet's first night back in town. I was sure Bing was going to want to talk about it. He was an emotional kid. And he didn't like to see anyone hurt. That was why he was jumping between flying fists and my mother. He cared too much—just like me at his age.

I fucked up. It wasn't intentional. It wasn't like I planned on drinking with Saint. He showed up, toting bottles of booze and two chicks. I had every intention of seeing Violet. But when Saint came with alcohol and woman, there wasn't much you could do to get out of it. I knew it wasn't an excuse, but I really had planned on telling him we had to wrap it up.

I grabbed the fork on the table and started shoveling scrambled eggs in my mouth. He wasn't a bad cook. You had to be good at everything growing up with our mother. When I was a kid, I survived on cereal and frozen pizzas. Not much changed when Bing came into the picture. One difference between the two of us—I had Violet's house to run to when shit went south. And her mom always fed me before she sent me back home.

"You know, she was crying." He got straight to the point. "Her eyes were red when she came out of the bathroom."

The thought of Violet upset because of me hurt more than anything. I didn't know why I was messing things up so much lately. What the hell was wrong with me? Why was I so selfish?

"I didn't mean to make her cry."

"Why did you freak out on Saint?"

I chewed, thinking about that question. Saint had a mouth. And any other time, I wouldn't care if he was talking shit. But he did it too much with Violet. She didn't need that shit.

"He was disrespectful to Violet." I hadn't hit him. I wanted to, but I was able to control myself and what I really wanted to do.

"I'd have punched him." Bing shrugged.

I shook my head, getting up. I walked my plate to the sink and set it in there. "Nothing gets solved using violence. I didn't want to hurt him. I just wanted him to act right."

"You think he'll come back around after that?"

"I don't know." Our friendship never got to that point before. I wasn't sure what he would do. I didn't care if he ever came around again. He was wrong, and I wasn't going to be friends with someone who didn't respect my best friend.

"I'm heading over to talk to her right now. Lock up if you go home." I messed his hair up and headed out the door in sweats, slides, and a white t-shirt. I was ready to apologize for being an asshole.

I climbed the stairs to Violet's place and knocked. Her mom answered, smiling at me.

"Wilder. I was wondering when you would show up," she pulled me in for a hug. "How are you doing?"

"I'll be okay once I talk to Vi." I hugged her tight. "I was an asshole last night."

She shut the door, and I followed her into the kitchen.

"Oh. I'm sure your intentions were pure." She lifted her cup of coffee off the counter and took a sip. "She didn't say much about it to me. Other than how out of line you were. And then she went to bed." She rolled her eyes.

I sat down at the kitchen table. "Why don't you ever kick my ass?"

She laughed at the absurdity of it. "I am no match for the likes of you. Why would I kick your ass?"

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