Chapter one

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Killian Jonas Kane POV (1)

"Happy Birthday, Killian...You're finally eighteen." I mumbled as my mismatched eyes tiredly scanned the dusty attic that I called a bedroom for the past ten years. Laid out on an old deflated air mattress that has been my bed for the last five years. Tears gathered in my eyes when I noticed something about the clothes I had worn to bed the night before. They were in tatters thrown around the room. I knew right then what those monsters I call adoptive parents did to me. The same thing they do every other night of the week and twice on weekends, rape me. The tears escaped as I tried to distract myself by finding patterns in the textured ceiling.

After a while, I decided to rip off the band-aid so to speak. I sat up and pulled the thin sheet that acted as a barrier from the cold away from my body. Another wave of sobs wracks my body as I see the new pool of blood between my legs. I noticed the new injuries, bruises, and cuts but only one thing really caught his attention. The belt-shaped welts on his skin from the metal fastening. I felt so humiliated and disgusted by myself.

'Why did I have to go through all of this?' I thought as I tried to stand up from the deflated mattress. The pain in my backside made it nearly impossible, but I managed. I hobbled over to my dingy mold-infested bathroom and did my morning routine of using the toilet, showering in cold water, drying off with a towel that had more holes than fabric, and getting dressed. I had decided to wear my favorite yellow T-shirt( Mainly because it was one of the few things I owned without holes in them) with black jeans and my beaten-up white sneakers. Of course, I had my black hoodie in my messenger bag just in case it got cold. My bag hanging off my shoulder, my wallet and phone in my pockets, and my keys in hand I was ready for the day. I carefully opened my bedroom door and checked to see if anyone was around before I shuffled down the steps to the kitchen. Ignoring the whale-sized complaints of my stomach, I made my way out of the kitchen through the house's back door. Seeing as I am not allowed to go through the front door under any circumstances.

With a sigh, I made my way around to the front of the house. I checked my horribly outdated phone for the time and was pleasantly surprised to find I was an hour early. The plan I had decided on came to a crashing halt when I looked up from my phone. Leaning against the passenger side door of my white RAM pick up was Carson. I groaned loudly as I walked toward him. Squinting my eyes, I noticed that he had a coffee in one hand and a pop-tart in the other. That boy knew better than to bring anything he was eating into my car.

"What the hell do you want, Carson?" I asked, obviously annoyed by his existence at the moment. Don't get me wrong, when it is just the two of us he is like a brother to me. Unfortunately, we can't always act that way.

"Mum sed to get a wide wif you." He responded and my nose scrunched in disgust as some chewed up crumbs flew out of his mouth. Just one of the many reasons he is not allowed to have food in my vehicle.

"How I ever understood that will forever remain a mystery. However, we both know you won't be setting foot into my truck until you toss the coffee and pop-tart." I answered and he glared at me, but I could see the hidden amusement. He still thought that could beat me in a fight, but had no idea that I had secretly taken three different courses on fighting styles. I knew martial arts, basic combat, and boxing. Each had their unique style but I was quickly able to turn them each into something even more unique. Even though he thought he was the tough one, I watched as he dumped out his coffee and shoveled the last of the pop-tart into his mouth. I walked to the driver's side and unlocked my truck once I was sure he was done chewing and had swallowed. That boy liked to talk with his mouth full. Besides it being disgusting, he would always get the food EVERYWHERE.

"Hey before we leave, I have something to give you!" Carson said as he climbed into the passenger side seat. After he rummaged through his bag, nearly emptying the contents completely, he pulled out a small object that looked like a crumpled ball of old papers.

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