Chapter two

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 "SELENE!" a female voice screamed excitedly. Instinctively, I jumped nearly five feet off the ground. Unfortunately, it caused pain to shoot through my body from the beating I just had.

"There is no need to bloody scream!" I snapped and instantly regretted it.

"I'm sorry Selene, I was just excited to finally be able to speak with you. We have been waiting for this day since you were born all those moons ago." she pouted.

"I'm sorry dear, I didn't mean to snap at you. It just hurt when I jumped. Now, how about you introduce yourself, hmm?" I said, quickly realizing I sounded like a thirty-year-old mother talking to her child. Though she didn't seem to mind as she jumped right into introducing herself.

"Oh! I am Amelia!" She said excitedly. I realized then, that she would always be the loud one. I haven't even met the last one and I can tell.

"My name is Killian, but why do you guys call me Selene?" I asked.

"Oh, that is your name. You will understand in time." Jun answered and I decided to leave it alone for now. Of all the things to worry about, what the voices in my head call me is not one of them.

"Your ankle should be healed enough to wake on in about ten minutes," Amelia said, breaking the awkward silence.

"What? I am pretty sure it was broken." I deadpanned.

"Selene, I already told you that you are not human. So, you will heal faster than a human. In about ten minutes, you will be healed enough to walk." Jun said, both annoyed and amused by my reaction.

"Look, I have lived a hell of a life that has forced me to believe in what I can see. I have neither seen nor felt any proof that any of this is real." I explained internally and I swear this guide just rolled his non-existent eyes at me.

"Well, I can't help it if you are a stubborn asshat!" Jun said and I wished he wasn't in my head so I could bitch slap him.

"Okay you cunt-a-Saurus-rex, you need to tell me everything," I said and everything went quiet.

"Selene, I cannot tell you much more than you already know," Jun responded and I balled my fists in frustration. Jun kept telling me I am not human and yet won't tell me what I am.

"Excuse me, Selene..." a calm feminine voice called out.

"Yes, who is there?" I answered, instantly confused as to why I admitted to being Selene when I had no idea who that was.

"I am the last of your three guides, Samantha. I know this all must be confusing for you. You thought that you were human until half an hour ago and I am sure that was a lot to take in. So, if you would like, I can tell you what I can." she offered, what shocked me was the more she spoke the more I seemed to calm down.

"Please, Samantha," I replied and I swear I could feel her smile.

"As you should understand... you do not have a drop of human blood in your body. Jun, Amelia, and I make up parts of your soul. Each of us represents a supernatural being that makes up a part of you. Together, we make up something called a Quarter Breed King. Due to the laws set forth by the gods and goddesses, we are not able to disclose the species that each of us possesses. In situations like this, the host is allowed three questions for each of their guides to help them along the way." Samantha said and I listened intently.

"Do you understand so far?" Amelia asked.

"Yes, is there more?" I asked knowing there was.

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