Chapter six- Part one

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Killian's POV

It was a few days after I had punched my best friend's mate and it had not been easy. Kelsey, not that I blamed her, would not let me out of her sight. I never noticed how many classes we shared until she became my shadow. I have also been obsessed with the intoxicating smell at school. It is all over that building and as much as I want to find it's source, it is very good at hiding. Not to mention, I have spent every second of my free time at work or researching what I might be. My guides still haven't spoken to me since Selene came into the picture. I miss them but for now there is nothing I can do about it.

In the woods, about twenty minutes from my school is a place I had loved to go to ever since I was a child. My childhood friend had found it and showed it to me. I call it my Haven because nobody else knows of it and I can escape to it when everything becomes too much.

It was just a simple field with flowers but, surrounding it was a long cliff that reached past the tops of the trees. There was a waterfall in the center that fed into a lake.

Per usual, I had climbed up the side of the cliff and walked along a narrow ledge to the cavern behind the waterfall. There I sat with my books surrounding me as I laid on my back. A different book in my hands hovering above my face. Selene and I talked as we looked through the various creatures and beings that could make up what we are.

"Do you think we are a Pengeran?" I asked mentally. Her feminine voice giggled and I smiled as well.

"Is there a way to find out?" she asked and I looked back to the book. It was luckily in English instead of Latin or Greek, as some of the others were.

"I think this is it, here. Do you want to try it?" I asked and I could feel her excitement. A smile made its way onto our face as she nearly screamed 'yes' in my ear.

With my back to the side of the cavern wall, I sat Indian style. My hands rested in my legs, closed palm facing upward. My eyes fluttered shut as I focused on the power I knew dwelled within me. A surge of power washed over me as I muttered the word "Crear". I felt the power as it concentrated in my left hand. I could feel it take form in my palm as I loosened my palm. My eyes slowly opened as the spell dispersed. I brought my hand up to inspect what lay beneath my opening fingers. A gasp escaped me as my eyes caught sight of the most adorable creature I had ever seen.

In the palm of my opened hand was a dragon smaller than a newborn kitten. It looked as though it was made with greyish clay. The spell had perfectly recreated the creature in my imagination. Though, I was both shocked and tickled pink when it moved to look up at me. Its gentle and curious green eyes looked up at me. Its head tilted adorably and unable to resist, I patted its head with the tip of my pointer finger.

"Hello child, you are named Clayson." Selene cooed through my mouth, though I agreed. The small dragon uncoiled itself and licked my palm with its minuscule tongue. A small smile made its way onto my lips as it looked to me with its jade eyes. I felt pride flow through both myself as Selene as we looked at our rather small creation. As I looked down at my new child, it struck me like a lightning bolt... was I its mother?

"Yes, you are its mother," Jun commented and annoyance filled my soul.

"Look who finally decided to show up!" I mused sarcastically.

"The others and I have been in deliberation about your powers. The full moon is tonight and you still have not figured out what you are. Not to mention what we, your guides stand for. Then there is that mysterious scent that has been driving us mad." Jun explained and I rolled my eyes.

'I know very well when the full moon is you asshat. I have been waiting for you and the others to come out of hibernation so we could discuss my ideas of what you are. Instead, you have all been off in deliberations that were not necessary.' I reprimanded inwardly with clear annoyance in each word.

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