Chapter seven

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Killian's POV

I was in the middle of switching out my books when I heard my name being called by a familiar voice. I turned to where the noise was coming from just in time to have a slightly shorter body slammed into mine. We crashed to the floor from the force of their body hitting mine. My head just nearly escaped hitting the floor as a brown and blonde one fell onto my chest with bruising force. I gasped in pain as Kelsey looked up at me with a shy smile. I shook my head as a chuckle erupted from my chest. Soon she joined in with a giggle of her own.

"Good morning to you as well, Kells," I said with a huge smile. This girl is ridiculous but I can't help but love her either way. She climbed off of me and I stood as well. It was then that I noticed John leaned on the lockers beside us.

"Morning..." John mumbled and I looked to Kelsey with a raised brow. All it took was a small smile and a nod to tell me they worked their issues out. I quickly returned the awkward greeting. While Kelsey adjusted her clothes, I picked up my backpack and continued to exchange my books out.

My last book was in my bag and I was about to close my locker when Kelsey gasped. When I looked at her, she had her eyes glued to the small bundles of blue forget-me-nots in the pen holder. I raised an eyebrow as she walked closer with tears in her eyes.

"Where did you get these?" Kelsey asked, her eyes pinned me down where I stood. Confused, I explained that they just keep showing up in my locker.

" I think someone has a secret admirer but they found the wrong locker," I answered with a shrug but her eyes were now glued to my hair.

"Wait, how did I not notice your hair?!?! OH and your eyes! What happened?" she exploded and I laughed at her reaction. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders as we walked to our first class of the day.

"It is kinda a lot to explain, why don't you and John meet me for lunch in front of the school. There is a lot that you should know." I responded before I placed a chaste kiss on her temple. They both nodded and we walked into the classroom. They both sat to the right of me as I made myself comfortable in the same seat I had been in since the start of the year. I looked outside and my eyes instantly met his grey ones.


It took too long, for my liking, for lunch to come around. I waited for the others to join me as I sat on the grass next to the benches outside of the school. I watched the rare car pass by as the breeze pushed my black and white-colored hair around. I leaned back with my hands flat against the soft earth, my arms holding me up.

"So, our first change is in a month?" I asked internally as my eyes lifted to the white puffs passing overhead.

"That is this year's blue moon, and it should be our first shift. However, with my blood and magic in the mix, it is not certain." Selene answered. I nodded as I laid back, my hoodie under my head as I conversed with my guides. For some reason, my soul felt at peace, but of course all good things must come to an end.

"Look who it is boys, it's the fagglet." a familiar voice said. I removed my eyes from the sky and looked to see Lee moving closer. I was on my feet before they got to close and was ready for whatever they tried. I glared at the three asshats that have made my life hell since we met.

Lee sneered at me when he noticed my glare. It made me smirk, knowing I got under his skin, as he walked over and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. His eyes narrowed as I looked back with pure defiance. With nothing but courage and determination, I peeled his hand off of my shirt. I hadn't used but a fraction of my strength but he looked so shocked it was comical.

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