Chapter three

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There are a few POV changes. They should be marked, but Just a heads up! :)


Killians POV~

Relief washed over me when Kelsey suggested we head out. The feeling that someone was watching me made my slight paranoia skyrocket. I looked over my shoulder so many times I could have sworn I was an owl. I have always been surveillant of my surroundings, but having the feeling that someone was burning holes in the back of my head gave me chills.

"Hey Killian, do you mind if we ride with you?" Candice asked referring to herself and Elias.

"Of course not, are you two ready to go?" I responded and the two nodded. Each of them wore a grin as they followed me to my SUV. Unlocking the vehicle, I walked over to the driver's side door. When I looked back, their eyes shot back and forth between me and the oversized car. I laughed at their slack-jawed reaction and climbed into the SUV. Once they recovered they climbed in as well. Candice sat up front with me while Elias made himself comfortable in the back. He tried to put his feet up on the opposite seat but I quickly put a stop to that.

I pulled out of my parking space and followed the yellow slug bug and black 2017 Fiat 124 Spider out onto the main road. Knowing about cars and Bikes came in handy as Elias and Candice talked about the various mufflers they considered for their older motorcycles. Though Elias whined about being jealous of John's Spider, he was happy with his silver 2019 Honda CB300R. Candice told him he was crazy for being jealous. They both had the same bike and she couldn't believe people preferred cars.

By the time we pulled up to our destination, the two of them had thanked me twenty times for offering to drive them during winter. Their siblings hate when they have to take them. While the other two scrambled out of the car after I parked, I took my time to look around. Nostalgia washed over me as I read the name on the front of the building; 'Old Tommies Arcadium'. It hadn't changed a bit from when my birth parents brought me here as a young child for my birthday.

"Come on Killian!" Thomas called as the others whooped and hollered. Snapping out of my nostalgia, I raced after the others and followed them into the building. The first stop was the exchange station where we loaded up play cards with points we paid for. It also stands as the place you exchange your points for prizes. It only took about ten minutes for everyone to have their cards loaded and for everyone to branch off to different games. Elias was the first to claim me as he dragged me over to the skee ball tables. I held my poker face knowing it was my all-time favorite game. Elias didn't need to know that though, but I am sure he figured it out after losing to me three times.

When Elias begged me to end his misery, Candice stole me away and made me player two in a bike racing game. Elias watched and called to play the winner. Both of them stared at me like I grew not only a second head but a third as well when I won. Of course, Elias and I played and I let him win so I didn't completely destroy his ego. Though, I think Candice figured me out when she winked at me. After that, the group pulled me around the arcade to try to win against me. I focused on not winning every game as I was pulled around, I didn't want them to hate me too quickly.

"How in the hell did you beat me in every single game we played together?" Thomas asked and I frowned.

"Perk of being an outcast I guess," I replied with a shrug. He frowned at me but it didn't seem malicious.

"You aren't just an outcast now, you are our outcast!" Mira cheered and her twin nodded behind her with a grin. I smiled at the two as I shook my head. I had not been this happy since before I lost my best friend, eleven years ago. I was told that he drowned and that his body couldn't be recovered.

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