Chapter five

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Killians POV

It had been the worst week of my life. I had not seen or talked to Kelsey or her friends. My guides have been missing in action. All the while, the Fulturts have been even worse than usual. I feel very alone, especially after I was given the chance to communicate with someone that didn't want to beat my face in. Though the loneliness was nothing new, it still weighed on my soul. Instead I focused on a smell that plagued my nose. The smell of mangoes and pineapples has driven me to the brink of insanity. I have searched the entire school building, but the source of the mouth-watering scent still evaded me.

It was once again lunchtime and for once I just wanted to skip the time of the day. I walked to my locker with a new detention slip to add to my collection. This time it was for spitballs that I didn't shoot but I was never popular with teachers. No matter how good my grades were.

Consumed in my thoughts, I almost bypassed my locker. Luckily, I noticed in time and spun the black dial. I pulled the locker open and froze when I saw a new bundle of blue flowers laid on top of my books. A small smile graced my lips as I picked it up and nestled it next to the first one in the pencil holder. I shoved my bag inside the metal box and grabbed the most recent book I had been reading on my path to self-discovery.

"Hey..." a familiar voice greeted from behind me. I was slow to turn around, I already knew who stood there. Her blue eyes trained on my own blue and green ones. She had dark circles under her eyes, her hair thrown up in a messy bun, and wore sweat pants. I frowned at the sight of my short term friends' condition.

"How can I help you?" I asked emotionlessly. Though I felt bad that she was not doing well, I was wary of trying to be her friend again.

"Would you join the others and me for lunch? It is important that we speak with you." Kelsey asked in the softest tone I had ever heard. The pleading look in her eye froze my denial in my throat. I barely knew her and yet I hated to see her so distraught.

"I'm not su... fine." I agreed as soon as the scent of depression and sadness hit me. The indescribable feeling of seeing her upset pushed me to agree. Especially when the pain she was in was because of a nobody like me. A soft smile crawled onto her face as I closed my locker. Not having been to the cafeteria since the first day of my freshman year I followed closely behind her once I was sure my locker was closed.

The first thing I noticed upon entering the cafeteria was the table Kelsey led me to. It had been decorated with streamers, table toppers, and table cloth all in my favorite color, orange. All of Kelsey's friends were seated with a buffet of fast foods covering the table. When we reached the table, Kelsey had me stand at the end while she joined the others who had stood. I raised a confused eyebrow and she smiled weakly.

"Killian Jonas Kane, everyone! We met last week and made friends with him. During that time, we found that he was a very good person. Then we made ass's out of ourselves by assuming the worst of him. He didn't deserve that and we put this together to apologize. Killian, we are truly sorry for how we treated you." Kelsey boomed from where she stood. The entire cafeteria's attention on her. My cheeks heated as whispers shot from table to table about not only myself but the others as well.

"We feel horrible about our actions that day. We didn't learn much about you but we stitched something together based on what we did know. We all hope that you can forgive us for jumping to an untrue conclusion." Mira added before the rest joined in on a collective "We're sorry". Nobody had ever done anything this nice for me. They weren't ashamed of my friendship and that made me happier than anything on the table. When I looked at each of their faces, I noticed something off. John stood to the back and glared daggers at me. I squinted at him to show no fear and it was enough to shake his resolve.

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