Chapter nine

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Selene's POV

Our heart was beating very slowly and we were going to die soon. I forced Killian's soul to sleep as the blood loss started to affect our body. In a way, he was my child and I need to protect him. I didn't want him to have a front-row seat if we were to die. Instead I allowed him to sleep as I felt out body stop working. We were all pulled into a dark space in the back of our mind as our heartbeat grew weaker.

Amelia held onto Killian's spirit as I paced the small dark space. I tried to heal us but there was just so much to heal. The others had already used up too much of their magic doing the same. Fear crept into my mind as I thought about both me and my children dying so soon. Amelia cradled our boy to her chest as we waited for the final countdown. He stirred as I was unable to keep him asleep.

"Sell? What's going on?" Killias asked in his adorable raspy, just woke up voice. I focused on keeping our heart beating as I walked over to him. I placed my hand on his cheek to comfort him.

"Don't you worry, love. Just go back to sleep and all will be well when you wake." I lied to Killian but of course he believed me. He snuggled into Amelia's embrace and closed his eyes again. I could see how pale he looked and frowned. Our body had many internal and external injuries. Why did they have to beat and take him unwillingly... he is so damaged now. He will never be the same after this.

"KILLIAN!" a familiar female voice screeched and I breathed in a sigh of relief.

'About damn time... you about let us die!' I thought as I felt hands checking us for a pulse. The voice kept calling out for us as she worked and I was grateful for it. Without that anchor, we might have been swept away into the abyss. As it was, I was the only one keeping us all there.

There was something warm and wet as it glided over my cuts. To be honest, it felt really fucking gross but, if it saved our life then I would allow it. It was when the feeling finally stopped that the door to my room opened. The person on the other side asked what the emergency was. The female voice explained what happened and the other hollered out a code one.

After that, all that could be heard was my heart monitor, the doctors yelling over each other in their lingo, and the air blowing through the mask they placed over my mouth and nose.


It felt like hours by the time they stopped yelling. I was still shocked we were alive after all the time it took for them to get their shit together. Killian and I almost died, along with our guides. It would suck to die before we were able to become immortal, talk about irony. I was furious and ready to yell at them but then I heard the best news.

"He is finally stable after he received some blood and healing enzymes. Most of his injuries are healed. We will have to wait until he wakes up to see if he feels any pain anywhere. Until then, I will stay with him. I don't want that shit to happen again. By the way, Jane is so fired. I told her to stay with him and start his I.V. but she was nowhere in sight when I got here. She also never returned." the familiar female voice said and the others muttered agreements.

As I struggled to regain the function of my body, I thought about my first shift. It should come by the end of this week unless being the moon Goddess changes things. I struggled to open my eyes as the others discussed what our merged form would look like. None of them had been merged with a Goddess before and had no idea what the final outcome would be. I struggled to force my eyes open but it felt as though they were glued shut. I tried to move my hand but it felt like it weighed ten tons. I internally sighed and focused on my eyes.

After several minutes, I was able to open my eyes but my body still felt heavy. It was an odd feeling to be awake but unable to move. I took my time and grounded myself so I would not panic. Killian was doing that enough for both of us as he woke abruptly like a fire was lit under his ass.

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