Chapter four

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Killian's POV

The next morning, I woke up at my usual time thanks to my internal alarm clock. My body wrought with pain before I could even open my eyes. Laid out naked on the floor of my room face down, tears fell down my face. My pale skin was littered with new cuts, bruises, and for the first time lashes. They had used the metal end of Frank's belt to whip me; the only proof was the lashes and belt-shaped welts on my back and ass. Somehow, after several attempts, I managed to stand. I limped into my bathroom and stepped into the shower. For the first time, I was grateful that I had no hot water as the cool water soothed the welts on my body. I took extra care to wash between my legs for they had done it again, leaving me feeling dirty and disgusted. I wasted no time and moved through my morning routine. After my shower, I dried off, put clothes on, and brushed my teeth.

Though it took me longer than usual to get ready for the day, I still managed to be ready in time to drive to school if I sped a bit. After I grabbed all that I needed, I hurried out of the house. My limp was barely noticeable as I made my way to the white truck. I wore a black long-sleeved shirt, black sweatpants, and black shoes to hide my new injuries. I knew from experience if anyone found out that I would get it twice as bad. With a wince, I climbed into the truck and drove away from the house that would never be my home.


Besides the crippling pain that coursed through my body, there was a strange ache in my chest. I knew it was because I planned to avoid the people I thought I could befriend at long last. A sigh escaped my lips as I reached my locker, I had spent one of the best nights of my life with people that were so quick to fear me. I spun the dial on my locker and opened it mindlessly.

As soon as I had the books I needed, I rushed off to my first-hour class. I took my seat and sat in my normal seat as I thought about both my would've been friends and my guides. Things in life had become so complicated and somehow, I feared this was just the beginning. I took out the things I needed for the class and turned my attention to the world outside the window. My eyes zeroed in on a familiar blue car and I couldn't stop myself as I wondered if he had to deal with such things.

I barely acknowledged when the class started as I kept my eyes glued to the car outside. Unfortunately, it had to be the same day the teacher paid attention to me. It was halfway through the class that the teacher called out my name. I snapped my eyes away from the window to the front of the class. Half the class along with Mrs. Kuze looked at me with what I could only guess was spite. The other half glared at me like it was my fault for global warming.

'Maybe they did worse than I thought, I didn't get a chance to look myself over in the mirror this morning.' I thought as they continued to stare at me.

"Are you alright, Mr. Kane?" Mrs. Kazu asked with a frown on her face. It took me a moment to shake off the unfamiliar feeling of her being concerned and answer.

"Yes ma'am, I am alright. I apologize for spacing out." I said and she nodded before she explained I should open my book to page 309. She continued the class as I followed directions. For the rest of the class I wrote my notes, read the chapter, and gave into my habitual pattern of being a model student. It didn't help that Mrs. Kazu decided to actually pay attention to me as I worked.


Lunch came around and I had never been more ready for it. Taking care not to run into Lee or his friends as I limped to my locker. When I got there I sighed in relief and pulled my locker open within seconds. I was going to shove my bag in the metal confinement and take off for a walk but that plan was stopped by a small bundle of blue-ish forget me not flowers with baby's breath scattered around the small bouquet. With a half-smile on my lips, I lifted them to my nose and took a deep breath. I let myself enjoy the moment before I placed them in the magnetic pen holder of my locker, a treasure left behind from the previous years. It broke my heart a little knowing that nobody would love me like that. I stared at them knowing they were most likely meant for another or placed in my locker as a joke.

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