Chapter six- Part two

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Selene's POV

The moment we were completed, I felt the power surge through me. I felt as my body hit the floor but had no strength to move as Memory after memory flooded through my brain. I finally knew more than just my name. I knew of the other 'children' I had created over many years and many rebirths. I knew why I felt so connected to the werewolves. They were one of my many creations.

The others stood around me in Killian's and my consciousness. I knew I needed to explain but how do I tell them? How do I explain that I am- no, that we are so much more powerful than most other creatures.

"Hafu ina, I need you to talk to me." Killian murmured and it was then I realized I sat cradled in his lap while the others had gone. I looked into the eyes of the other half of my soul. The look in his eye confused me... it was not fear nor was it hate. It felt as though he understood my plight already, without me having to say a word.

"You know everything as well, don't you?" I asked, my eyes never leaving his. I could see the truth in his eyes even before he nodded.

"We are one and the same, of course, I have your memories as well. Just as you share mine." He replied and shifted his gaze to our surroundings. I snuggled into his body as we enjoyed each other's company. We found comfort in each other as we fell into unconsciousness.


Killian's POV

It was Monday, the best day of the week... not. After all the power that surged through us, Selene and I are exhausted. As much as we wanted to curl back up into our thin blanket and sleep, something told me I needed to get up. Something inside of me screamed that today was not the day to stay in bed. So, like any other mythical creature, I followed my instincts. I lifted myself up off of the hard floor and stumbled into the awaiting bathroom. My curiosity spurred me faster as I went through my morning routine. My shower was quick yet bone-chilling, but I dressed in rather light clothing anyway. I slipped on a blue polo that wouldn't stay closed at the buttons, some black jeans that were a size too small, and my black sweatshirt.

When I finished getting ready, I looked in the mirror, still shocked by the changes in my appearance. Half of my previously black hair was now whiter than snow. The other half remained black. It was a symbol of sorts, it represented how Selene and I were one and the same. My eyes had also gained specs of silver in them, just like each of our guides had in their own.

It was time to leave by the time I had given myself a once over. I decided to leave early so the others in the house wouldn't realize I am not the same. I didn't know what they would do but I was not going to take that chance. I slunk down the stairs as fast as I could without making a sound. Relief filled me when I reached the back door uninterrupted.

I rounded the side of the house as I hummed a mellow tune. My head was clear and free for the first time since I lost my entire life. I felt like things were going to be okay once I asked Kelsey the favor I have been burning inside to ask her. I thought about the night before and a smile formed on my lips. I was finally who I was always meant to be and I floated on air until I reached the front of the house.

Leaned against the passenger side door of my truck, despite all the times I told him not to, was Carson. This time, however, was different. As I walked closer I noticed the black eye, split lip, and how the right side of his jaw was bruised. I gasped when he finally looked at me, his eyes welled up with tears.

"Oh my God, Carson! What happened? Are you okay?" I asked once I was next to him. I could see the pain he was in as he tried to shake it off.

"Don't worry, brother. We can talk about it on the way to school," he responded nonchalantly but I saw the flicker of his eyes. I knew he needed to get out of there, so I didn't argue. With a stiff nod, we both climbed into the awaiting truck. I placed the key in the ignition and stared it up as soon as we were both buckled in. I put the truck in gear and got us out of there without a word. I didn't say a word as Carson clenched and unclenched his fists.

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