Chapter eleven

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Killian's POV

"Welcome back to school!" a group of four teens cheered and my eyes left the familiar gray ones to see several students around my desk. Tiffany Genetti sat in front of me as always with an odd smile on her lips. There were three others gathered around my desk with seemingly sincere smiles.

"Thank you?" I responded, the question obvious in my tone. I looked over the three unknown people as they shared a look. There were two boys and another girl besides Tiffany. The two boys looked like complete opposites. The tall one had dark skin, mismatched green and brown eyes, and Black hair. The shorter one had fair skin, green eyes, and blonde hair. The girl looked similar to the shorter boy with her blonde hair and height. Instead of green eyes, she had ice blue ones that seemed to look into my soul.

"No need to thank us, Killian. We are all a part of the Volk and wanted to make sure that you settled in alright." The taller of the two boys responded with a kind smile. I could see the sincerity in his eyes and returned the smile with a quick nod.

"Soo, if nobody else will ask... I will. Why did you have to join our pack? You are a mere human, aren't you?" The shorter boy asked bluntly and my jaw nearly dropped. With the way the others snapped their gaze over to him, they had not expected that either. The question threw me off just as much as the snotty tone that he used. I was quick to school my features and think about how to answer.

" I joined your pack for many reasons and most of them are personal. The least of which is the rumors going around this school. As for you calling me human, that was just rude. I don't have a drop of human blood in me." I responded and it was his turn to be shocked. What I didn't expect was his friends to slap him in the back of the head at the same time. Both Selene and I internally snorted at the action.

"Ow! What was that for?" he growled and the girl slapped him in the back of the head again.

"First of all, never growl at me again or I will ban your favorite activity. Second of all, that was not only an insensitive question but also very rude." She replied in a stern voice that had him whisper a quick 'yes ma'am'.

"I apologize, Killian. I didn't mean to ask something that would upset you. I was just super curious since we hadn't gotten any new members in a while. Damn, even my wolf is pissed at how inconsiderate I was..." he apologized to me with a sad look on his face. It was hard to believe that he meant any real harm. I sent Selene to chat with his wolf as I nodded in acceptance of his apology. He slowly relaxed and seemed to be alright after a few minutes. When she returned to me, she explained his wolf was tearing him a new one.

"So, what are your names?" I finally asked and realization passed over each of their faces. It was comical to see them all realize they never introduced themselves.

"Oh my gosh! How did we forget that?" the girl with blonde hair surmised as she face palmed. I cracked a smile as the others laughed at her reaction.

"Well, I suppose now is as good a time as any to do so." The taller of the two boys said and I nodded in agreement.

"My name is Clayson, this is Kassie, and that idiot over there is Jake. The blonde in front of you is Tiffany." he added as he pointed to each person. I nodded along and smiled at each of them. That was until he reached Tiffany, I was quick to notice the hateful glare on her face as she looked at me. Though, as soon as she noticed my stare, she schooled her looks and smiled.

"Nice to meet you all but, it's almost time for class; are you three even in this class?" I responded as I motioned to Clayson, Kassie, and Jake. I already knew Tiffany was in my class and didn't need to ask.

"Oh shit! We gotta go! Talk to you later, Kay." Kassie announced. I laughed as I nodded and they left for their own classrooms. I turned back to Tiffany and she had an odd look on her face. I raised an eyebrow and she leaned closer to me. Her head propped up in her hand and she batted her mascara-filled eyelashes.

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