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If they show as much as a crack, their monarchy will break and they will all fall in. They cannot be known as broken royals...


Everything about the trip was routine, a wave here, a smile there. Visiting different places, and meeting with many other politicians and civilians. All I remember now was taking a bathroom break, around one of the famous markets within Elming. I remember seeing their palace until suddenly, I was gasping for air. I could feel that I was slowly losing the strength to fight back, I couldn't move my muscles...they were all relaxed and numb. I watched as these...people shoved me into...something, all I knew was that my world turned dark as I felt my eyelids grow heavy until they eventually closed.

When I woke up, all that surrounded me were dark stone walls with the tiniest of light shining through what I thought was a window. It was situated at the top of the wall, however, when I looked to see if I could escape, there were these metal pipes or... bars that were too small of a hole for my body to fit through.

I slid back down against the wall, the harsh surface making scratches and marks on my skin, that's when I realised. The clothes I'd been wearing beforehand were virtually gone. The only thing left on my body was my undergarments. How did I end up in this situation? The more I surveyed my surroundings, the more trapped I felt. There were metal bars to signify walls like I was in jail, but for what was an even bigger question. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a door creaking open.

'OI! Mate, look here, the prince is fin'lly awake... here, food. This is the shit we have to eat, nothing fancy like yous have it...wait don't you have an allergy or something, well if you die at least we know why,'

The man yelled as he walked towards where I was, the smell of beer and body odour protruding from him. He dropped the plate he was holding, knocking whatever 'food' there was onto the floor.

The same man yelled louder for his counterpart to arrive."DANIEL WHAT THE FUCK! HURRY YE'R ASS UP, YOU DON'T WANNA MISS HIS PRICELESS FACE DO YA!"

I managed to hear a faint voice reply back to this man.

"PIPE DOWN!" as this other man eventually came down he spoke again 'Micheal, you're the one who wanted to prove that the royals are disgusting snobby pigs, I just don't see how fucking capturing one of them is GONNA SOLVE ANYTHIN'!"

That's what happened, from what I remember. That might've been a few years ago though, I don't know how long I've been down here for. Every once in a while, I see fireworks go off from that small hole at the top of the wall. I hear them arguing often, but only recently have they given me a paper and pen. Mentioning it was like my last phone call...or..something. Don't worry I remember the address of the castle so all I can do now is wait. Erin, please. Hurry.

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