Chapter Fourteen: Dresses and Messes

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'What the hell man, how could she just play me like that. I trusted her with almost everything. I, I even made her promise me to never leave. What does she do? Leaves, just like every other stupid person in this pitiful life.' Tyler thought to himself, however his thought was cut short by a quick hit to the face which brought him back to reality. His anger was bubbling but magically disappeared once he was thrown back into the real world.

"PFFFFFFFFFFT AHAHAHHHHHHAHAHAAAA," Kayleigh fell to the floor laughing.

"Don't just sit there and laugh, help me upp.." Tyler whined, the impact from the pole sent him hurtling to the ground.

"Sorry, that's just absolutely golden," Kayleigh giggled, eventually pulling herself up to help out her friend.

Since the announcement of a royal ball as well as the exclusive invitations, both Kayleigh and Tyler still didn't have anything to wear. Luckily their best friend happened to be a princess, and as they dusted themselves off they once again found themselves outside the Elming Palace gates.

The person standing guard stepped in front of kayleigh who attempted to just walk in through the side gate.

"Just who do you think you are? You're not permitted to enter the castle" The guard spoke,

"Hi sir, We are friends of the Princess! uh.. we were... invited to come..inside?" Tyler attempted to explain.

"Nice try kiddo, you can't possibly expect me to believe that. You know how many times people have used that excuse... come up with something clever next time." The guard spat out.

From the gaps in the side gate, Kayleigh noticed a person dressed in all black making their way closer and closer to the gate.

"Ahem, I assume you are the cute girl and the sad boy Her Royal Highness is waiting for?" They asked, breaking the stalemate.

"C-cute gir-" Kayleigh pondered on those two simple words,

"That's us!" Tyler answered, unintentionally cutting Kayleigh off.

"Well then, come on in," They spoke through their teeth, obviously urging the guard to step aside.


As Kayleigh and Tyler were led into the castle, they realise the fact they've never actually been in the palace. Soon enough they reached a hallway which seemed to stretch on forever.

"Please wait here while I get Her Royal Highness." The person who escorted them added, then left.

"You do know we are in a palace, what possessed you to wear that." Tyler questioned, referring to Kayleigh's shirt.

"What's wrong with my shirt?" She questioned, appearing offended.

"It's practically see through," Tyler whispered, his eyes focused dead in front of him.

"It's fine, I don't really care." She responded,

"For you maybe, but this is a palace after all, you know where a royal family lives." Tyler exaggerated, turning to face Kayleigh.

"..." she began to reply but found that someone had moved to cover her eyes.

"Gueeeessssss whoooo," The person sung from behind Kayleigh,

"These are her friends?" A seamstress whispered not so quietly.

Amelia removed her hands and death glared at whoever spoke before returning to her usual cheery self.

"I'm so glad you guys were able to make it!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Tyler and even tighter around Kayleigh.

"Could you even call that a shirt?" Another seamstress gossiped,

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