Chapter Four: Who You Are and Who You're Not

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"Erin! Time to go!" The Advisor yelled from the front door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" Erin repeated, knocking into different doors and walls before she made it into the car.

Erin sat in the back seat trying to catch her breath and fix her uniform. The Elming Heights High's uniform consisted of a plain white shirt tucked into a grey plaid skirt with white socks and all finished with a Elming Heights High maroon blazer.

She watched the houses that she passed, noticing every little detail that was different to Ethar. Eventually the fence of the school began, the car slowed down and turned into the school gates. The scenery of the school was beautiful, past the black gates there was a fountain in the middle of a roundabout. The school building itself was sophisticated and clean, everything you imagine from a perfect school.

"Don't forget who you are and who you're not." The Advisor reminded as Erin stepped out of the car for her first day of real school. It would've been all fun and games until the bell rang, startling the princess.


Erin wandered the halls, scanning the door names in an attempt to find her class room. Passing each room and window, she stared at each student admiring the way they all sat in rows, sometimes even clusters and just listened. Eventually a door with the label 'class 1-D, room 5' caught the Princess's gaze, slowly she approached the silver painted door, working up the courage to knock.

As soon as she knocked on the door, Erin could hear the whole class grow silent in a heartbeat. There were faint footsteps before the door flung open just missing her face.

"WOAH! I'm so sorry about that! It didn't hit you did it?" The student asked, Erin cautiously stepped in, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves at the same time.

"No it didn't, you are all good!" Erin responded and made her way to the front of the classroom.

Erin's hair had been pulled back into a neat, low ponytail and was kept together with a blue hair tie. Her homeroom teacher wrapped their arm around her shoulders and positioned Erin at the front of the class.

"Everyone, this is Erin Rosales, while yes she is starting at the start of the second term...please make sure she feels welcome. Why don't you tell the class something about yourself" The teacher spoke.

"Hi, I-...I'm Erin, that was already said. Well.. I'm pretty good with a sword? I don't know if that is something cool." Erin stammered and awkwardly shuffled her feet, before walking to her seat in between a boy with dark brown hair and a window.

As she sat down, the teacher said nothing else and the rest of the class began to socialise again. Erin felt her heart grow heavy, having already lied to potential friends about her last name. Though it was crucial she remained hidden, it didn't make it any easier.

The girl sitting in front of Erin had gotten up to talk to the boy next to her, and the guy to her right had begun his homework. As social as she was, she decided to gaze out the window. Focusing on two squirrels fighting on a tree, it looked as if they were re-enacting a scene from The Lion King, one of them eventually fell off and the other laughed.

"Hello?" Someone from behind Erin spoke, and Erin swiftly turned around,

"Hi! I'm Amelia, how are you liking the school so far?" Amelia cheerfully introduced herself. "This is Kayleigh... and this guy right here is Tyler" She continued.

Erin swallowed the spit that formed in her mouth, the 'boy' Amelia was talking to before was actually a girl. Guilt started to form in her stomach, Erin tried to shake it off by focusing on the long blond hair Amelia had. How it was half up and half down, with two strands of hair hanging down by each side of her face.

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