Chapter Eleven: All Good Things Must Come To An End

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Erin didn't let go of Tyler's hand until she recognised the brown, curly, shoulder length hair and the tall tanned skin, not forgetting the sizeable crown with the same royal blue jewels Erin had in her tiara. There was no doubt in her mind over who this was.

"Aiden!" She yelled, her call caused the people in front of her to step aside, revealing her dress in its entirety, as well as a rather awkward looking Tyler standing behind her. To which Kayleigh and Amelia laughed to themselves, as they stood to Tylers left.

"My sincerest apologies, it seems my ride was not informed of the time the event began." Aiden spoke with a clear tone and a smile on his face. His voice was deep clearly showing his growth in age.

"You're only three hours late, but it's okay...I'll still announce to you, could you please get Her Royal Highness over here." The Announcer asked, seeming a little ticked off. Aiden gave a simple smile and with raising his arm looking dead at Erin, she happily walked over and grabbed her brother's non-existent bicep.

The Announcer cleared his throat whilst the two stood looking at the crowd waiting for the announcement. "Guys, gals and non-binary pals. It is with the greatest pleasure and honour that I must re-introduce the two representatives from the Ethar Royal House of Lancaster. I present to you, The Crown Prince, His Royal Highness, Prince Aiden and Her Royal Highness, Princess Erin."

With bright smiling faces, Erin and Aiden began walking down the hall toward the gym to meet the rest of the royals.


The final hour had gone past and everything seemed to be perfect. Even if Kayleigh was still a little distrusting, though, Tyler was a little too trusting and Amelia embraced Erin with loving arms. The Advisor was catching up with Aiden and discussing the next plan of action.

As Amelia and Erin said their goodbyes, the Royals filed out in the same order they entered and everyone disappeared into the night and back to their homes. The car door was held open for Erin and Aiden, however, Aiden sat on the left side of the car whilst Erin sat on the right, with The Advisor in the front seat.

In pure bliss, Erin stared out at the stars which were hung neatly scattered across the night sky, illuminating the world around it. Aiden watched as Erin stared at the stars. His baby sister was no longer a baby anymore. Her cheeks had slimmed significantly and her body had grown slightly more muscular than before. He even recognised the dress she was wearing and thought it somewhat ironic that it's only been worn by Erin's.

"You'd better pack your things as soon as we get home Erin, we'll be leaving the next morning." The Advisor interrupted the peaceful atmosphere.

"Leaving? Isn't tomorrow a school day?" Erin asked, pulling her face away from the stars.

"Well, your mission was to find your brother. If that's not him sitting next to you then we must have an imposter don't we." They sarcastically joked but received no response. "Tough crowd." they added afterward.

"But, I don't want to leave. No... I can't leave! I promise I won't and you both know I won't go back on my word." Erin exclaimed, putting her metaphorical foot down.

"Erin. I don't know what kind of promise you made, but I feel like our sleeping parents and the fact I have only just been found. Not taking into account managing the publicity about my appearance tonight, it all just seems a bit more pressing than a promise to stay." Aiden reminded.

"It's not just staying because I want to, someone I love and care about needs me there, I can't just up and leave!" She stated, continuing to resist.

"Erin. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but our parents are people who need us more right now, the crown needs you more right now. Through the letters I received, and judging by some calculations I've made. This might be our only shot at getting them back... alive." Aiden explained, moving his hand to rub it against her arm. In an attempt to console and comfort her.

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