Chapter Two: Determination

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With the knowledge as to why Ethar's King and Queen are in a state of slumber, Erin brought it upon herself to fix this mess.

The following day Erin woke up with a plan, a plan to find her brother. Her destination was where Aiden was last located. The Kingdom of Elming.

Erin handed off her luggage to guards that would take them to The Advisor's vehicle. She began to wonder throughout the castle, as if she was saying her final goodbyes. She walked through almost every hallway until she had the sudden urge to take a detour to her parents bedroom. Although she doesn't remember when her parents fell into their slumber, she is surely reminded of it every day.

As she looped back around to the royal quarters her heart began to feel heavy, and she began to play with the back of her earring. Something about glaring at their room from the top of the hallway was daunting to Erin. Slowly, she creeped forward until the tall, dark oak doors stared down at her. Erin nervously swallowed a build up of saliva that had formed in her mouth, she was conscious of it as well. Her chest gradually rose and fell before she opened the gold plated door handle.

As the door creaked open, the light from the hallway shone into the enormous, dark room. Illuminating the same old dark oak coloured bed frame, the same curtain frills that hung over the windows, the same ottomans in the exact way it had been left. The only difference was the two adult bodies lying lifeless underneath silk navy blue bed sheets with their heads resting carefully on silk pillows, with long IVs running from the drip down to Erin's parents. The only sound filling the room was the two heart monitors beeping one after the other.

Erin stood as still as a statue in the doorway. Her throat and mouth became dry, whilst the tears began to trickle down her face, she couldn't move, no matter how hard she tried. Her gaze fixated on her mother, a foreigner, something she was constantly referred to. A woman who was as strong and thick as her hair, the luscious black locks looked untouch and was just as neat as it had always been, looking silky and smooth. Erin's mother normally looked thirty years younger than her actual age, however, the curse caused her to appear decayed. Her skin was no longer tight, tan and clear as it had once been, it was now white, wrinkly and loose. Even her skeletal structure had begun to show. The Princess' father's appearance was similar. His skin however, looked paler than that of his wife. His curly cocoa coloured hair grew unruly and knotted itself all the way down to his shoulders.

Erin took small steps forward until she found herself running towards the bed until she eventually collapsed, hunching over her father's body. The tears that had begun to flow at a steady rate, had only increased in speed the closer she was to her parents. 'I don't even remember what his eyes look like, dad...' Erin thought to herself, clutching the blanket. The guilt in her heart grew heavier and heavier the longer she was in the room, her body felt like tons of bricks with no structure. Heavy, and in pieces.

She could've stayed there forever, mourning the decaying image of her healthy parents. Instead there was a loud knock at the door and the light that had allowed Erin to view her parents, was obstructed by a tall and lean figure.

"Erin, what are you doing in here?" Erin's Advisor sympathetically asked, but received no response. Carefully they moved in to wrap their arms around the young Princess.

Shocked by the sudden warmth of touch, Erin lifted her head, revealing her puffy eyes and cheeks which were both red from weeping. The Advisor wiped the Princess' tears away and consoled her until she was fit enough to leave.


Eventually, the two left the King and Queen's bedroom and made their way to the front of the castle. The Advisor swiftly got into the driver's seat, whilst the final goodbyes and wishes were said to the Princess. The actual car ride to Elming was silent, the normal Ethar radio changing into the regular Elming one, filling the silence. The Advisor couldn't help but sympathise with the poor girl, but alas there was a job to do, and they sure as hell were going to make sure Erin followed through.


When they arrived into the main streets of Elming, Erin had perked up. She took notice of how no crowds had formed on either side of the road. She realised that everyone was just going about their own business, as if this sleek black Tesla wasn't anything more than a black Tesla. She perceived that each individual had their own things going on, they were all on their own paths and all were in their own little worlds. She sat and watched the world like an excited puppy, until The Advisor had pulled into the driveway of their temporary home.

"Well, this is it Erin," The Advisor stated, getting out of the car.

"Erin?" She questioned, her face displaying a puzzled look.

"That is your name, isn't it? The public is strictly not to know as to not cause panic. How exactly are you gonna do that if formal language and titles are used." The Advisor reminded her, they opened the boot of the car and hauled the luggage to the front door.

Erin accepted the gravity of the situation and continued to go along with it. When she stepped out of the car, she finally took in the reality of this new home. It was a small house with cream coloured wood planks and a grey roof with solar panels. Immediately after The Advisor opened the door, she ran straight inside to claim a bedroom.

Erin ran past the joint living room and kitchen, straight into the mini hallway. From the entrance, two doors were visible from the opposite side of the room, the second bedroom was tucked behind the wall along with the laundry cupboard. She ran past the small loveseat type couch and the mini tv, right into the first bedroom.

When Erin opened the door there was nothing but a mattress with white bed sheets laid over top and on the floor, as well as a full length mirror which could move back and forth on the y-axis. Though despite this she had still managed to snuggle up in the mattress, as it rested on the floor with no bed frame, but before long, her Advisor had popped their head around the door.

"Hey, could you please try this uniform on... Whilst you are on this mission it doesn't mean you stop your education," They politely asked before laying out the uniform over the mirror.

"What? Why can't you just teach me?" Erin questioned, she dragged herself up to get changed into the uniform, to which The Advisor gave her privacy.

"Something about them wanting you to go to a school...or something." The Advisor mentioned from beyond the door.

"IT FITS!!" Erin yelled, though she decided to quickly slip back into what she was previously wearing.

"Can I see? I need to know if I should make adjustments." The Advisor asked, attempting to open the door, but was blocked by Erin shoving her foot in the way and shouting,

"TOO LATE I'VE ALREADY STARTED TAKING IT OFF!!" Erin shouted back, clearly growing comfortable in not having to 'speak royally' for a bit.


"Alright! Alright!" Erin repeated, she managed to swiftly change and make it back into the car.

"What school is it?" She asked, buckling herself in at the backseat.

"Elming Heights High, founded by the Elming Royal Family, I think you'll like it there," The Advisor informed her as they too, buckled themselves into the driver's seat before driving off toward the school.

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