Chapter Five: Sad Memories Plague The Mind

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The following days were repeats of the one before, the same routine and same classmates. The only thing that really changed seemed to be the relationships between Erin and her new friends. She'd grown more comfortable around them and occasionally she would feel this warmth in her chest that made her all fidgety.

Slowly, as the days turned to weeks, Erin was no longer the new girl on the block. She had spent two weeks in Elming so far and yet not a word back from the government back home. No update on her brother and nowhere near, closer to saving her parents.

Erin slumped over in her chair, the overwhelming guilt and sadness filled her body as it began to feel heavy. She couldn't even fix the mess she made, tears began to form in her eyes as she pulled her head up to look at the board. Through her watery gaze she could make out today's date.

13th of May 2037

'Another birthday alone? Why aren't I doing something? I need to be doing something. Otherwise I'm just wasting everyone's time. I'm lying about who I am, Aiden is still nowhere to be seen and I don't even understand what I'm meant to be learning.' Erin growled to herself.

To her right Tyler was getting distracted by some birds who flew past the window, his eyes trailed down to find his friend hunched over in her chair and not doing the work. Tyler inhaled sharply before working up the courage to move his desk over a little to help out his friend.

"What are you stuck on?" Tyler whispered in Erin's ear trying not to notify the whole class. His cheeks began to warm.

Erin shot up from her slumped over position. "Huh?... Oh, right History. Uhm... " she mumbled, she never mumbled before, making unnecessary noises were no good when speaking as a Princess. She moved her paper over so that Tyler could get a better view.

"Well... you've answered basically everything apart from this one. 'What power does everyone in Arden possess but only a few masters?'... what do you think?" Tyler spoke, breaking down the question for Erin. His mind completely focused on her and attempted to give guidance.

"It's the same magic as the priest, but I'm not sure what it is. I have never mastered it nor attempted to use it." Erin hesitated.

"...It's the Power of Basicity ." Tyler informed me, "...wind, only some can master it, and they often become priests and other people who have some importance."

"Oh..." Erin sighed, she slowly began to write the answer on her sheet. Tyler grew worried as she hesitantly wrote the answer.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked, looking past Erin no matter how hard he tried to focus.

"Hm?" Erin dragged her face to meet Tyler's eyes.

"Do you want to come over to the orphanage, I can help you study?" Tyler offered, struggling to keep eye contact,

"Really? That'd be so much help!" Erin exclaimed, her mood instantly shifting as her body changed from feeling cold to warm within an instant.

"Yeah! Um... can we make a plan for friday? I would say tomorrow, it's just that tomorrow I've got to help Kayleigh's dads move furniture... does six work?" Tyler noted,

"Um, yeah it should be fine... this means so much, thank you!" Erin thanked Tyler, who had finally managed to keep eye contact. She stopped what she was doing to stare out at the clouds, her expression shifted and the cold replaced the warmth that was once there.

'This isn't helping my mission, why should I be feeling happy and making friends when my kingdom needs me. Why? Why? Why?' Erin thought to herself, the thought alone, bringing her to subconsciously ball her fists and lightly bang the table, as not to disturb everyone. She continued to question why as dark purple started to form at her fingertips after she stopped moving her fists.

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