Chapter Eight: Erin's Little Lie

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The day of the Royal visit was a stressful one. There were half a dozen kids and teachers whizzing past the halls all the time, many were also scattered around the place putting up last minute decorations. As Erin passed by the many different classrooms she got a glimpse of the time and day. The clock read 11:30am whilst the date written on the board read as the 9th of June. After stumbling and mavouring her way past multiple different students, Erin eventually found herself at the gym where her whole class was waiting for her.

"Sorry, I got lost," She apologised and jogged to stand by Tyler who shuffled a little away from her.

"Like.. I was saying, I expect to see you all here tonight. It is a mandatory event, which means.. even Ms Jones, who loves to surprisingly end up sick on mandatory events, must attend. You can all go break out for the rest of the day, just remember to sign out when you leave," The teacher noted, walking off to join some other co-workers.

With that the whole class dispersed almost immediately, everyone ecstatic with the fact that in a few hours the entire gymnasium would be filled with royalty. All but Erin, something felt off. Tyler shuffled away when she stood near him, Amelia didn't greet her with a smile on her face and Kayleigh just straight-up ignored her, they were more cut, after being singled out by the teacher.

Something began to build in her chest, something that made her heart race and her hands shake. Her eyelids grew heavy and her legs felt weak, as the noise around her faded to white noise she noticed her hands begin to change colour before everything just stopped.

"Erin?!" Kayleigh, Tyler and Amelia all shouted as they noticed their friend fall to the ground.

Amelia rushed to Erin's aid and propped her head up to make sure she didn't hurt herself from falling, that's when she herself, noticed the purple that consumed most of Erins fingers and immediately tucked them away so they wouldn't be seen.

"Aimes? Is she good?" Kayleigh questioned, reluctant to do anything.

"I don't know how 'good' fainting is in your books Kay but she's out cold." Amelia scolded, attempting to cover Erin's hands. "I don't know what's gotten into you lately but just help me carry her outside,"

Tyler just stood in shock, trying to quietly process a few things before eventually helping carry Erin outside. They all made their way past the year 11s and 12s who still had much work to do before they could rest for the day.

Once they had reached the school yard and layed Erin underneath the tree where they would normally hang around, the three began to really talk about what has happened so far.

"Are you two okay? You've both been kind of... off, lately." Amelia questioned, keeping Erin's head supported in her lap.

"I mean, if you're okay having a liar for a friend," Kayleigh stated, creating an icey atmosphere, colder than the temperature of typical June weather in Arden.

"A-a, a liar?" Tyler questioned, refusing to believe the words that came out of Kayleigh's mouth

"Yes, a liar. Remember yesterday when she 'supposedly' went to the bathroom but never actually came back?" Kayleigh continued.

"I remember your mood shifted when you came back," Amelia stated, carefully moving the hair out of Erin's face.

"Well I followed her and... she met with the principal and I heard him say 'Your Royal Highness', it seems we've another princess in our hands and apparently on your lap" Kayleigh noted, gesturing toward Erin who was still out cold in Amelia's lap.

"No... she can't be. If she was she would've told us, I would've picked up on it when I slept over at her house." Tyler rebutted, refusing to believe any word that came out of Kayleigh's mouth.

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