Chapter Six: Sweet Dreams

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The school bell rang loudly signaling the end of the day to which the whole class rejoiced. Everyone began to pack up.

"Does Miss have an off switch?" Kayleigh complained, their head rolling back in her chair.

"This substitute talks slower than half the other royal assistants" Amelia agreed, even the Elming's own Princess was worn out. Her head falling onto her arms, over her desk.

"If I wasn't confused before, I sure am now," Erin sighed.

"You'll get the hang of it, plus today I'm helping you study, remember?" Tyler commented, reminding Erin.

A lightbulb went off in Erin head, today was that day. Everyone finished packing their things and made a segue to the door. As the group eventually reached the front of the school Kayleigh began to lag behind, walking much closer to Amelia.

"You two go on ahead, I'll find my own way home" Kayleigh suggested,

"A-are you sure?" Tyler asked, stopping in his tracks, but earned only a giggle before she ran off leaving Amelia behind.

"I'll take that as a yes then. Bye Amelia, see you Monday!" Tyler called out,

"Bye!" Erin and Amelia yelled out after each other.

Erin walked alongside Tyler, on their way to the orphanage, the two began to open up about each other. Well, as much as Erin could without revealing who she was. After about only fifteen minutes of walking, the two finally reached the doorsteps to Tyler's home. A small sign that hung overhead on the front door read; Boys home.

As Tyler opened the door he was greeted with two elderly women dressed in white and had their hair tied back in different variations. The eldest in appearance 'ran' up to Tyler smothering him with kisses and ruffling his side-parted hair.

"Tyler, honey, welcome back. Who's this you've brought with you?" The woman questioned, the other ladies in the room swarmed around Erin, like they were analyzing every single detail of her.

"Give her some space! This is Erin Rosales. I'm trying to help her study" Tyler answered, introducing Erin.

The use of Erin's fake last name left a bitter taste in her mouth, catching her off guard she stuttered "Y-yes! Hi!"

The ladies in the room slowly backed away from Erin, exchanging hellos before returning back to their work. Erin and Tyler progressed further into the orphanage. They walked past the main hallway with offices and doors on either side, they finally reached the main sleeping quarters of the orphanage, where most of the children were playing.

The moment Tyler set foot in the room every boy there yelled out different variations of his name, and at different times. Multiple of the much younger and energetic boys ran up to Tyler, one even jumping into his arms causing Tyler to drop his bag.

"Hey little guy," He greeted before his brain moved onto the next child and then back again. The child in his arms noticed someone standing in Tylers shadow.

"A GIRL!" the child yelled, temporarily deafening Tyler.

After setting him down, all the boys in the room had gathered around Tyler, including some of the older boys who were reluctant to join the group. When Tyler sat down everyone else followed, and Erin creeped closer so she was sitting next to him. Just as he was about to speak, the smallest kid slowly walked up and flopped onto Tyler's lap.

"Everyone, this is Erin. Say hi!" Tyler introduced as he pulled the kid to properly sit in his lap.

The room filled with the high pitched sounds of 'hi', everyone was greeting Erin, all bar this one child. The smallest sitting on Tyler's lap.

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