Chapter Ten: So The Plot Thickens

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After what seemed like an eternity of the school principal droning on and on about the qualities of the school and each student. The Royals were finally able to stand up and walk around. For a little bit, Erin walked around with her advisor trailing behind and she looked at some of the different work for the higher year levels. However, growing tired of circling back and forth, she suddenly remembered that Kayleigh and Tyler would also be here.

"Erin where are you going?" The Advisor asked, as Erin attempted to leave their sight.

"I'm going to get fresh air, you can wander around if you want." She lied, but knew she'd rather not have The Advisor in her business.

With no response, Erin left the gym and noticed the time from the clock hanging about the door. The clock read 8:30pm, with an exaggerated sigh, she continued to walk through the door. Erin passed by the final decorations she noticed older year levels putting up a few hours prior. Although, instead of people scattered about trying to hurry and hang things. There were different groups hanging about and talking. Erin was getting closer and closer to the main entrance and path through to the school yard, and still no sight of her friends.

She was about halfway down the hall, while just a little further up was Kayleigh and Tyler who had just run into Amelia.

"So, do you know why she is a barefaced-liar?" Kayleigh questioned, her tone unforgiving.

"Would you quit it with the insults, I'm sure there is a perfectly good reason for her with-holding the truth." Tyler mentioned, telling Kayleigh off in the process.

"Fine, but something as significant as this? It makes you question what else she's hiding. I mean my mother was the same and she left didn't she-" Kayleigh tried to continue on but was stopped.

"-No. She won't leave, she.. If she does she'd be back. I mean it's not like she can just forget about us." Tyler interrupted, but slowly his voice grew quieter.

"I mean, you'll never forget, but duty will have to come first. It's just how it's always been." Amelia attempted to console. "Sorry I know it's a bit grim, did you want us to try and track her down so you two can talk?" She continued.

"I-ah... Okay, I'll be where we usually hang out.." Tyler agreed and slowly began making his way outside.

"IT'S COLD OUT THERE STAY WARM PLEASE!" Amelia called out. And then there were two,

"So um, yeah. I don't want to be mean, but I also don't want to see Tyler hurt in the same way I did, you know?" Kayleigh justified, looking at Amelia dead in the eye.

"I guess, but Erin is not your mother and Tyler is not you. I mean you'll obviously notice similarities, but nothing will ever be the exact same." Amelia reminded, her wise words resonating with Kayleigh.

"Aha, yeah I guess so. Speaking of Erin... YO PRINCESS!" Kayleigh called out, noticing the rather lost Princess Erin.

Erin's eyes flickered with anxiety at the seemingly recognisable voice. Her eyes darted up and around in search of Kayleigh's voice. After a few seconds, she cautiously made her way over to where the two were standing.

"Um- Hey..." Erin shyly greeted,

"So, This better be good." Kayleigh spat out, clearly letting Erin know she wasn't exactly in her good books.

"Be nice." Amelia scolded Kayleigh.

"I- it's kind of a sensitive topic, you can't repeat it to anyone really. It's ah." Erin fumbled over her words, and a nearby lightbulb from some fairy lights began to make a strange noise. "It concerns my brother and parents... I don't know, it's just messy." she continued.

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