Chapter Twelve: Road To Recovery

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As Erin and Aiden's car pulled out the front of the gates, the pair rushed inside. Erin's mind solely focusing on the task at hand, her green themed dress was flowing behind her as she stormed throughout the castle with her brother. Aiden was wearing a grey shirt with some sort of alternate multiple layer of tie. He had a gray vest which trickled into the cape by the bottom. Both loose items of their clothes were flowing behind them, giving the royal siblings a feeling of utmost power.

As the pair made it to the royal bedroom, where their parents were resting, The Formal Advisor interrupted them.

"Last time I checked it was the tenth of June, not bust into the royal headquarters whenever you want.. June... also pride month." They spoke with smugness laced in their voice.

The siblings gave no response, just shot daggers with their eyes as they glared back at The Formal Advisor. Huffing and puffing at the end of the hallways was Erin's advisor.

"You two head on in, I'll take care of him" They called out from the other end, gaining their composure and waltzing their way down the hall.

"T-Take care of me? I beg your pardon, you'd do your best to remember your place here, Peter-Alexander." He spat out and emphasised The Advisor's dead name.

"And so do you. You just spoke and interrupted Their Majesties on their way to save their parents, so that you still have a job." They scolded before entering and slammed the door shut on The Formal Advisor.


"Everyone ready?" Aiden questioned,

"Yes." Erin replied. Aiden was standing in front of the bed whilst Erin was by her fathers side.

"Yep!" The Advisor answered, taking their seat on one of the royal blue ottomans.

"Right. I'll begin, remember what I taught you, Erin." Aiden stated.

He assumed a stance, closed his eyes and began to work his magic. As soon as he started a bright greenish-white light emitted from Aidens fingertips . The light had moved across both parents, as if it was scanning the entire body.

After a fair amount of time of 'scanning' the bodies, a projection of light appeared from the bodies of both parents. It was a projection of the respective skeletal system, the scanning light still tracing up and down each body.

Two hours had gone by and another projection appeared, this time it was the organs, this included any and all veins, the hearts and brain belonging to each parent.

"Ally.. what's the thing next to my father's heart, it's like some small box?" Erin whispered to The Advisor as to not disturb Aiden, who was now breaking a sweat.

"I think it's a pacemaker, it just helps your father's heart beat." The Advisor responded.

"What if it wears out?" Erin questioned,

"Well.. we'll cross that hurdle when it comes." They answered, returning the room to the silent state it was in.

As time went on the muscular system of the parents was shown and cleared, about seven hours had gone by since Aiden started the revival process. His arms were aching and burning, his body was sweating and his eyes remained shut for those seven long hours. Until now,

"Erin, they're immortal now, your turn. Please be fast about this... I don't know how much longer I can keep them immortal." Aiden puffed out, arm now clearly shaking.

Erin swiftly moved into place, this was the big final moment any fairytale was waiting for. Erin closed her eyes and raised her hand. Just like when her brother did, a blueish-purple light emitted from her fingertips. This time, instead of a graceful and calm light that washed over the comatose parents, it was an untamed, electrical current that danced around the room.

This light zapped itself into the chest of Erin and Aiden's father. After a few seconds, the sound of the flatline was heard quickly followed by a loud and steady heartbeat. A sigh of relief briefly brushed across the large room. The light from Aiden had moved away from their father and the only remaining light was now all focused on their mother.

Slowly but surely, after painfully waiting eight hours, The royal siblings' mother flatlined followed by a quick resurgence of a steady heartbeat.

The siblings were exhausted, Aiden's legs gave out, sending him straight to the floor. The loud thud prompted the doors to be flung wide open. Within a matter of seconds, many servants and guards rushed in to help out in whatever way they could. In amongst all the chaos, Erin slipped out of the room and made her way to her own bedroom.

It was just as she left it, though, she paid no attention to the bed, nor her vanity or her abundance of crowns, jewels and dresses. Erin instead, made a beeline straight for her balcony.

As she placed her hands on the balcony, she finally began to reflect on the day she just had. It was now about five in the afternoon. The sun was beginning to set and Erin's feelings had only just began to bubble up.

'I'm dangerous, why am I back, It was my scream that sent them to sleep, It was because of my emotions that unleashed an endless amount of pain on everyone...If I wasn't stable with emotions then what will happen this time. Will it consume me? I shouldn't be allowed back, let someone else have my place, who knows how dangerous I could be. I could wipe out the entire world if I wan-'

As Erin began her inner monologue, the same blueish-purple colour had begun to consume her body, the light projection had consumed from the bottom of Erin's feet to her arms and hands, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Princess Erin? You're needed back in your parent's bedroom." A sweet voice spoke from the other side of the door.

"C-coming!" She shook off her emotions and quickly ran out of her room.

As Erin reached the same doors she and her brother burst open, Aiden had also just arrived, the door they left closed was now staring them down, the result of their plan was all riding upon this moment.

Slowly, as the sibling pushed against the door, a loud creaking was heard followed by the sight that all throughout the castle had wished for.

"MOTHER! FATHER!" The siblings exclaimed as they both rushed toward the two adults, looking healthy and dressed in the same attire they were wearing all those years ago.

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