Chapter Fifteen: Happily Ever After

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"After weeks and weeks of waiting, the Ethar Royal Ball has arrived at last. This spectacular event hasn't been held in over 10 years. As Their Majesties, King Gabriel and Queen Beatrice have stated, this is their gift to the public.. Ethar citizens, Royals and a select few from Elming. Many will be waiting to see what everyone will be wearing, this is The Red Carpet of Royalty people, get excited!" A radio host announced.

"Red Carpet of Royalty? How come when we first met, it wasn't claimed to be that exciting?" King Gabriel chuckled to himself as the Royal Ethar Crown was placed upon his head. "Jeez, this is a lot heavier than I remember," He stated.

"Of course it was exciting my dear, we met all those years ago and look where we are now." Beatrice moved in to place her arms around her husband.

"You're my Queen.... And I, your King." Gabriel stated, looking at himself in the mirror. His dark blue outskirts that were lined with gold, of his royal suit complemented the inner white. All joining to make a button up collar. Resting upon both shoulders were golden accessories which came with a golden rope attached to his statement jewel. This wasn't just any jewel, it was one of Ethar's necktie jewels, passed down from King to King.

Sitting at his waist was a simple buckle belt, as his top exceeded his waist but stopped just after his butt. Finally to top his outfit off, was sleek, black pants and shoes, as well as, The Royal Blue, Ethar sash.

"Quite literally, this time." Beatrice replied, giving her husband a kiss on the cheek, before moving to put her tiara on her head.

Queen Beatrice was wearing a matching dark blue dress. The top half has a deep sweetheart neckline, this neckline extended into that of a diamond with the next section of the top half. It resembled the top part of a form fitting coat. All this formed a turtleneck look but with the front section cut out. This extended into a long sleeve and was decorated at the shoulder with golden flowers embroidered on and stuck out of the fabric. This slim dress was floor length and represented the amount of power this woman held. It displayed the power she had worked and earned for. And how the tiara now placed on top of her head wasn't what defined her.


As Aiden stood by the window, the moonlight illuminated his outfit for the night. He was wearing, most likely, the most extravagant outfit out of the whole Ethar Royal Family. His suit was a royal blue which transitioned into white, much like that of his sister's dress. He had a black vest which rested on top of a light blue button up shirt, complete with a white necktie and an Ethar Royal jewel. He wore a royal blue jacket which had a cape attached to it, this was the complicated part. It was a golden trim cape that began with royal blue and faded into white. However, giving the jacket shape were two white pieces of fabric that magically wrapped itself around hovering over Aiden's arms. Aiden's shoulders were too decorated like his fathers, however, it did not come with a golden rope attached. His outfit was already complicated enough as it was.

Aiden was admiring the stars as he heard the muffled clicking of heels against the carpet, which was laid in the middle of the hallway. Sure enough, when the young Prince turned around, he found his sister, pacing back and forth and playing with her dangling earring.

"Erin? Are you okay?" He called out,

"HM?!... Oh.. Aiden, didn't see you there." She responded, fixing her white fluffy coat, which rested over her arms.

"I'll ask again, are you okay? You're playing with your earring, you do that when you're upset... you're also pacing around soo," He reiterated, gesturing to Erin to join him by the window.

"I..." she protested but gave in anyway, and joined her brother by the window. "It's too much to unpack, and I should be packing instead of unpacking. I mean we are Royal, we have no room to 'slip up'..." She continued.

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