6hapter Six

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The class turns silent the second I walk in.

"'Tch" I walk to my seat, showing how unimpressed I am by them all. The only one remotely close to me is that candy cane reject.

I prop my feet up on the desk.

"Bakugo! That is terrible behavior for someone in the UA hero course! You could tarnish the professionalism of the whole institution!"

"Iida, don't yell at him! He was nice enough to save me at the practical exam, he can't be that bad!"

"Sorry first animation movie sonic, but I do as I want." The class gasps lightly, seemingly at the nickname but I couldn't care enough to learn their names. The cold wind blows faintly through me, almost telling me to stop, but I couldn't care less to what that Nerd thinks.

"Come on guys! Bakubro is just having a moment just let him be." Bakubro? What kind of shit nickname is that?

"Oi, Shitty hair! Don't call me Bakubro!"

"Whatever you say Bakubro.", he shrugs, tch, these nerds are getting on my nerves.The warm wind lightly surrounds me, I watch as the wind goes around the class, moving papers fly off desks, the class looks around at the mysterious papers being thrown around.

"Class, settle down." Aizawa walks into the room, "There are somethings that have come to my attention that we must talk about. First let's start with quirk introductions." The class listens and one by one goes to the front, name, quirk, repeat, name, quirk, repeat. I couldn't be bothered to learn anything but their quirk, it would take to much energy. Let's see, Dunce face, Big Bird, Soy Sauce Face. Yeah, those work well. I grin to myself silently, but that ends as Aizawa starts to talk again.

"We have one last thing to talk about, it seems like we have a new classmates." The class murmurs,

"Aizawa-sensei, if today is the first day, why didn't they join us immediately this morning." Four eyes calls out, moving in uneven movements.

"Well, they should have but almost no one know they existed until about 30 minutes ago."

"What do you mean Aizawa?" Discount Pikachu adds,

"Well, Bakugo, why don't you introduce this "New Student"?"

"Why the hell would I introduce that Shitty Nerd?"

"Maybe because you are the only one who actually knows him." Aizawa sends out his capture gear and grabs me, bringing me to the front of the room.

"'Tch. Shitty Nerd, you still here?" I talk into the air. Well, I guess it's not really the air anymore.

"That's it, he's gone insane." Soy Sauce Face whispers to Shitty Hair. They snicker in the back until the cold wind trashes about the room, wreaking havoc on the papers that had just been picked up. The class quickly quiets as my hair flows wildly with the wind.

"Oi, Deku stop that!" The breeze stops. "This is Deku." A heavy wind flows onto my face like needles. "This is Izuku Midoriya." It's getting fun to mess with him again. It's funny how flustered he can get. "He is dead, he died around 8 years ago in a villain accident, and we don't know why he's like this, we assume it's a quirk." I wouldn't put it past a shit like Deku to die and still find a way to keep bothering me. "He often presents in the form of a wind." Pink faced bitch in the back raises her hand.

"Is there anyway this wind... has been going to other people? Because I think the wind has also been around me, if that makes any sense." The class starts getting loud, I can hear their conversations.

"I think I felt that wind in the past too! It stopped me from waking into traffic! The Raccoon Eye girl continues, many voices continue telling their own personal interactions with the Nerd.

"Quiet." Aizawa calls out to the class. What the hell is this you Nerd? I asked you if you had contacted anyone but you gave me an unclear answer! This should have had a wind hot enough to give that Canada flag PTSD!

"We can resume conversations about this later, Bakugo, tell us more about interacting with Midoriya, and his personality."

"That Nerd is a weak, annoying cry-baby piece of shit! He's constantly following people around instead of actually doing anything himself!"


"You can interact with his by asking yes or no questions. Yes is hot air, no is cold, and maybe or he doesn't know is just normal."

"What the is a 'normal' temperature wind?" Ponytail asks.

"You know just room temperature!" I call back. What kind of question is that?

"Thank you Bakugo. You are all dismissed to lunch. I have some things to talk about with the principle." The class runs toward the cafeteria. Shitty hair and Soy Sauce Face come over to me, wrapping their arms around my shoulders,

"Let's go for lunch Bakubro!" What's this shit doing now?

"I thought I said stop with the whole 'Bakubro' thing." I move their arms off my shoulders.

"Awe, come on Bakubro, we know you love it!" Tape Arms adds.

"'tch." We walk silently to the cafeteria, where we sit down with a pile of food. Phone Charger and Bubblegum Bitch join us loudly. Chatting the newly self-proclaimed, Baku-Squad.

"What do think of that Bakubro?"

"I said stop it with the Bakubro!" I explode at them, they timidly look at me.

"Do you think we could talk with Midoriya if we used a Ouija board?"

"I don't know but I don't fuck with ghosts." I reply.

"But isn't Midoriya a ghost?" I freeze mid bite of my food! I turn my head and stare them all down. They quickly apologize. Is Deku really a ghost though?

"Okay, 8 o'clock at Mina's house! I'll bring the Ouija board!" That short-circuited brain continues.

A/n, so here I sit, two days after posting the first three chapters, (I write really far ahead of time so always feel free to ask for a double update!) This chapter was slightly on the shorter side due to the next chapter being a half update, and I thought it was better to do them separate. Next time on Not Gone. Ouija at Mina's house! What will they find out! -Miss_Fall

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