|| Henry Hidgens x M!Reader ||

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here's the deal (i feel like i say that every time i give a warning) this is an M!Reader chapter, something I never really do. Sometimes it's a F!Reader, other times (most times) I don't specify a gender (i like it that way) so I'm not used to this, and I really don't know if i did it any justice.

also i don't really like this, and i contemplated re-writing it, because i feel like it's very rushed, storyline wise, but hey, yolo, yknow?

oh this is also set in a high school perspective so y'all are teenagers

You shuffled nervously on the spot, ruffling your own hair, as you chewed the inside of your cheek. Where was he?

Henry was always waiting for you at the front of the school before class started in the morning, but 5 minutes prior to the bell ringing, and he was no where to be found. School was hard enough with the two of you (since you weren't really liked by many), but whenever Henry was absent it was basically equivalent to torture. You forgot about it, walking through the halls to get to your locker.

As you took out your first period books you spotted someone approaching you on your right. You turned your head to see Henry walking towards you casually.

"What the hell? Where were you this morning?" You asked, half angry, half relieved.

"I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, opening his own locker, which was magically, and thankfully, right next to yours. "I was signing up for a club," He shrugged.

"Oh really?" Your eyes lit up, hoping you had chosen the same one. "I did that yesterday before I left, what did you choose?"

"Oh, uh, don't worry about it," He brushed it off.

"What? Why?" You furrowed your brows.

"You'll laugh," He frowned.

"Why would I laugh?"

Despite having known each other for almost 1 year now, there was so much you didn't know about each other. Especially since you were both very reserved and secretive.

"I don't know, you just will," He replied, closing his locker.

"Fine, if I tell you what club I joined you tell me which one you signed up for,"

"That doesn't sound very fair if you're willing to tell me," He blushed. Watching his blush and look away made your stomach flutter. He was too cute, but you hated to admit it. Obviously, he would never like you, so there was no chance anyway.

"Fine, then what do you want," You asked him, closing your locker as well.

"Never mind, I'll just tell you, I signed up for the theatre club," He looked away from you.

"No way," You said, looking at him.

"I told you-"

"Me too!" You exclaimed, putting a hand on his shoulder.


"Yeah, really, why would you be ashamed of that?" You asked him, pulling your arm away to swing your bag on your back.

"I haven't had the best history with telling people I like theatre. Most people laugh, since it's not a typical 'boys thing to do'" he used his fingers as quotation marks.

"I hear you," You nodded in agreement. "But you've got a guy friend now, right," You chuckled.

"Yeah, you're right," He smiled.

"So then I guess I'll see you this afternoon," You grinned, before rushing off to your first period class.


Jokes we're not skipping to the afternoon this is like, a few or two later lol

You smiled at the cast list, before looking at Henry who was looking at it, unsure.

"Hey, you ok?" You asked, nudging him.

"Yeah," He said, but you weren't convinced.

"You got a lead role, is something bothering you?" You asked him.

"I should be happy, and I guess I am, but I know I have a kissing scene and I'm stressed about it," He explained.

"Oh, well, that's ok! I'm sure you'll be fine. With practice and all, I'm sure you'll nail it," You smiled at him, who just smiled back. You knew there was still something bothering him, but you didn't push it any further.

You all jumped into rehearsals almost immediately, running through the script and everything that had to be discussed before you actually had a read through.

Having Henry in class was very comforting. Especially having someone very similar to you, made everything feel normal.

Plus everyone in the theatre club was accepting and nobody was cruel, so it was one of the places you felt very safe.

You sat on the floor next to your bag, as you sat down writing notes down next to few of your lines, going over feedback that the director had reminded you of and asked you to consider. You read through your lines to yourself again, trying to remember the little tips and notes to make sure it was better. Henry, on the other side of the room, was rehearsing his kiss scene with another girl, or at least running through it.

He was fidgety, but still, tried to seem like nothing was wrong.

Before anything could happen, they were stopped and then dismissed. Henry ran straight to the bathrooms, though nobody paid much attention to his dramatic exit. You slipped your script into your bag and ran after him.

He was pacing the room when you walked into the bathrooms. They were empty, since the theatre group, and only a few other clubs were running on this afternoon.

"What's going on?" You said softly.

"I don't think I can do it," He chuckled nervously.

"It's still very early, maybe you just need to get to know her better, then you'll feel more comfortable," You advised him.

"I don't think that's going to work very well," He shook his head.

"Well maybe it'll come with time. Don't stress yourself out about it, it's just a stupid kiss, it'll be over and done with in two seconds,"

"No, I don't think you get it," He shook his head again, tears forming in his eyes. "I'm gay," He looked at you.

Honestly, this didn't come as much of a surprise. Still, you kicked yourself for not picking up on his problem earlier.

"Wanna know a secret?" You held in a laugh.

"Sure," He sighed.

"I already knew that," You gave him a soft smile.

"How?" His eyes widened.

"I am too, by the way," You shrugged.

"Wait what?"

"Yeah, you heard me, I thought it was pretty obvious," You laughed.

"Nope, I had no idea," He laughed lightly.

"Hopefully that made you feel better," You told him. "Oh and, uh,"

You paused, and with slight hesitation, kissed him briefly.

"I can help you practice," You shrugged, as you both blushed furiously.

"I-I would like that," He replied, but it was barely a squeak.

once again, not really 100% happy with it, but there it is, it's there now

this was a request from ignorantrat i hope i didn't disappoint lol

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