Chapter 2: The Reaping

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My mother, my sister, Vanessa, and I were ready for the reaping. We prayed to god for the best, and walked out the door. We all walked stone faced into the reaping arena. My mother kissed Vanessa and my cheek for good luck, but all I had in my mind was the reaping. My sister and I robotically walked towards the square, where we seperated sides. I went to the left to the 16 year old section and my sister went to the 12 year old section.

District 12's oldest escort, Effie Trinket comes on stage. "Hello District 12! Welcome to the annual 37th Hunger Games! This is our mentor, Lisa. As usual, ladies first." Then, Effie moved towards stage right. My eyes followed her every single move. Effie flinched, as if she could feel me looking. Effie picked up a piece of paper from the bowl.

"The female tribute is... Annabelle Stonehange!" as soon as she finished saying her last sentence, my heart dropped. My name had been picked. I clenched my fists hiding my trembling hands. I felt like I had dropped from far above. So far above, I could see no light, no hope, no nothing. "Come on up, Annabelle!" Effie said from on stage. But her voice was murky to me. Everything was blurry. I started to slowly walk on stage. "Ahh, there's the girl, Annabelle!" Effie cried of joy. "Now, our male tribute..."

I faded Effie's cheerful voice off. I stared at my mother and sister. They both had a grim expression on their faces, looking at me with eyes full of pity. There were silent tears spilling out of Vanessa's eyes, and my mother was literally glaring at Effie. Effie didn't even flinch when my mother glared.

"Our male tribute is... Jackson Manum! Come on up!" Effie yelled in her usual, cheerful voice. I looked at the male tribute with symphathy. I knew that he must be terrified. "Now, be nice and shake hands, Annabelle and Jackson!" Effie said, smiling at us. We shook hands with stone faces, looking at each other in the eyes. Jackson had beautiful brown eyes, and I had plain blue eyes.

Then Effie said her famous lines. "Happy Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!"

The crowd stood there, looking at the two of us with symphathy as we were led away.

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