Chapter 10: The End

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        And then they saw me. I ducked as they shot arrows at me. I shot arrows back, but all of them were ducked or rolled under. I grimanced. Jackson was already on his way down. I knew that this battle was going to end. Soon. This was going to be the end of the Hunger Games. It was either Jackson, me, or the others that I didn't bother knowing their names. This was going to be one bloody battle. I shot multiple arrows so that the enemy couldn't duck under.

        Jackson always went in for the kill. I wear them off, then he kills. The other tributes looks at each other. I know that look. They are planning something. Me, still up on the tree, and Jackson, on the ground exchanged looks too. I would weaken them, and he would go in for the kill. I shot my arrows until my quiver empitied. I had managed to kill one of the enemies, but the other one was alive. 

        Then, out of nowhere, an arrow can shooting towards me, and planted itself in my right shoulder. I scowled in pain. Jackson was nowhere to be seen. I lowered myself down from my tree and started to look around. It was too late. What do I mean by that? My enemy stabbed me in the stomache as soon as I got down.

        I heard footsteps and felt pain. Pain, needless to say, was terribly, and I mean it, painful. Jackson had come. I heard him stab the guy from District 1. Jackson rolled me over so he could see me. He looked at me with pain in his eyes.

        "I loved you, Annabelle. I loved you." he said, sighing. "Why do you have to go?"

        "I love you too, Jackson." I managed to croak out. "Sing me a song. Please."

        Jackson took a deep breathe and started to sing for me, while stroking my hair. "If I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses. Sink me in the river at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song..."

        I could see the stars and moon coming towards me, reaching for me, waiting for me. I saw my father and brother, looking down at me, as if to say, "Your time has come, little one. Join us." I would soon. I turned to Jackson. His face was filled with sorrow.

        "I love you, Jackson." I whispered. And that was my last words I said before my soul passed on. When I was going, reaching up to the sky, I looked down and saw Jackson weeping over my dead body, which hung lifelessly under his arms. I took all my future and soared up into the sky, feeling a bit of loss. 

        That was the end of me. Annabelle Belle Stonehange. Or is it?

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