Chapter 5: The Games

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        So, I was sent to my stylist to get me to fit into my clothes. Also, I needed some advice to win in the games.

        "Your parents and your siblings are going to be watching this Game. They are either going to be laughing or crying, depends on you." said Chase, my stylist. "Be sure to get those throwing knives... And bow and arrows. Your allies are Anna Bella Chage and Percy Jikson."

        His words comforted me. For some reason, I had this feeling lurking around inside of me.

        "Remember, no negative thoughts!" Chase said, feeling my discomfort. "You can do this, Annabelle. Think of your family. Think of your boyfriend if you have one."

        Chase helped me put on my suit. "Looking from the suit, the arena is going to be somewhere near the ocean. Be careful around District 1 and 2. They're trained for the Games. Good luck." 

        He gave me a light hug and led me into the tube. "Good luck!" he shouted, as the tube went upwards into the arena.

        I gasped. The arena was simply breathtaking. At least I wasn't on my knees sobbing and crying. I took a look around the arena. Chase was right. The arena was like the sea. There was water everywhere. Sure I was nervous, I was scared, but breaking down wont help.

        "Starting in ten, nine, eight, seven..." a cool female voice said.

        I looked over at Jackson. He looked bewildered, and as the voice hit one, my instincts acted up. I dived into the cool water and swam towards the center. I ran all the way and launched myself at the bow and arrows. I grabbed them, and started killing. A guy with sea green eyes yelled, "Duck!" I ducked and a trident sailed over me, piercing a guy through the heart.

        "I'm Percy." he introduced. "And this is Anna Bella."

        "No time for introductions! We need to get Jackson and go!" I yelled over the sound of waves.

        "I found Jackson!" a voice yelled over the waves. It sounded like... Anna Bella? "Come here, quick!"

        I ran towards the sound of the voice. When I arrived, there was Anna Bella yelling at me and Percy. Jackson was fighting a guy, maybe from District 7, and losing. I quickly shot an arrow at him, and he collapsed, and the cannon sounded.

        "Come on! We need to get out of here!" I yelled, and together, we all ran into the woods.

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