Extra Chapter 1

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        Let's just say that both Annabelle and Jackson chose rebirth. Here is the story in Annabelle's point of view.

        I looked around the judges. "I choose rebirth!" I told them with confidence. 

        They all looked surprised, as if I was crazy "So, you dont want to go to Elysium?" one judge asked. "Is the quality not good enough?"

        "No, I just want to see Jackson again." I answered.

        "Very well then, you have chosen rebirth. Let your lives serve you well." the woman judge boomed.

        I could feel my soul getting torn away from my body (but wasn't I a soul already? Being dead is as confusing as sh!t.) I could feel my soul entering a new body. For some reason, I remembered everything. Starting from the Hunger Games to how I died. I guess I did have a strong memory.

        After that, the judge said, "Your name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ (Guess what the name is!) Your adopted mother is _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ and your adopted father is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _. But your real dad is _ _ _ _ and your real mother is _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _." 

        Then, I disolved into nothingness.

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