Chapter 6: Survival

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        Percy, Anna Bella, Jackson and I ran towards the damp woods, huffing and puffing because of the strain. We all were tired and sweaty, and not a drop of fresh water anywhere. We all climbed individual trees, and lay there for a second, trying to go to sleep. Yes, it was already dark. I stared into the night sky, wondering why I had to come here, if I can survive.

        Sudennly, without any warning, I heard a scream pierce the night sky. That scream supiciously sounded like Anna Bella. "Anna Bella!" Percy yelled over the screaming. The cannon boomed. Then, the dead tributes came up on the night sky.

        Anna Bella, a guy from District 4, both from District 5, a girl from District 6. The list went on and on and on, but my mind was definently not in it. Anna Bella was the second best fighter, and now she was gone. How can the world be so cruel? With so much thoughts in my head, I went to sleep.

        I was awoken by a familiar 'beep beep' sound. I knew this sound from anywhere. It was the parachute! I knew that everyone was thirsty, so hoping that it is water, I quickly and swiftly climbed down the tree and took the content of the parachute.

        When I opened the small box like thing, a weird sort of thing dropped out. It looked like... a spile! A spile! We just had to hammer this into a tree and then... FRESH WATER!!!!!

        "Percy, Jackson, wake up!!!" I yelled. "We can get fresh water!!"

        I could hear Jackson literally tumbling down his tree and Percy quickly climbing down. Jackson looked fine, but Percy... oh Percy! He looked terrible. Ignoring him, I used my arrow to make a few lashes into the tree. I stuck the spile and we waited. And waited. We were just about to give up, when fresh water run right out of the tree! Percy hurridly drank some, and then Jackson did. My throat was so dry, and I was starting to lose conciousness. 

        I guess my allies saw that and quickly got a leaf and made me drink some water. The water was cool, compared to the temperature in the arena. Then, I heard footsteps coming this way. I hastly took out the spile, took all our stuff and yelled, "RUN!!!" we all ran more deeply into the woods, hoping that we could get some cover.

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