Chapter 4: The Other Districts

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        Effie and our mentor, Lisa, told us about the other districts. "First district, Brittany Madang and Mason Adehug. Both Careers. Second district, Piper Oight and Jake Lokeg. Both again, Careers. Third District, Percy Jiksen and Anna Bella Chage. Fourth District, Manuela Surimet and Josh Hichet..." And the list on and on and on... I felt like an airhead... I felt so drowsy. Before I could say a word, I blacked out.

        "Annabelle!" I heard a faint voice in the background. "She's coming back to it!" 'Mom? Vanessa?' I thought. 'Why are you here?' Suddenly, somebody shook me out of my daze. Jackson was looming over me, looking at me worriedly. "Are you ok?" he asked me. 

        "I'm fine." I answered almost immediately. They all looked so concerned, even the cheerful woman, Effie! "I told you, I'm fine! So deal with it!" I was really angry now. I could take care of myself, thank you very much!

        Effie looked at me worriedly as I stomped out of the room. I went to my bed chamber and flung myself onto the bed, deep in thought. All of my thoughts were swirling around my mind, creating a small hurricane. I understood that we won't be having any training sessions before the Hunger Games (I know they actually do, but just pretend. Okay? Okay.). I had this weird feeling that I would die in the arena.

        Then, quite suddenly (sorry for being so formal), there was a knock on the door. I groaned. Why did they always have to come in? "Come in." I muttered, grumpily. I half expected Effie to come in, as cheerful as ever. But I was wrong. Jackson came in.

        "Are you sure you're ok?" Jackson asked. I groaned. "YES!!!" I yelled out of annoyance. Jackson flinched. "Sorry." "It's fine." I let out a sad sigh.

        "Come on. We need to get you ready." Jackson said.

        "For what?" I asked.

        "For the Games." Jackson grimanced.

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