Chapter 9: The Mistake (again)

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Okay, okay. I made the mistake of going to the beach. We took all of Percy's stuff and headed back into the woods. Bad idea. Again, I wondered why Jackson even trusted me. I had led him into a death trap, twice! Jackson looked at me, annoyed. "Let's move!" he told me. "Before the others catch up!" The others. There were the male tribute from District 1, the female tribute of District 2, and us.

Then, Jackson looked at me expectidly, making sure I moved. I moved farther into the woods with Jackson hot on my trail. Then, I heard shoutings. That was it. I had had enough. I climbed a tree with Jackson panting behind me. "Where in the world do you think your going?" he asked, but I ignored. I kept climbing... and climbing... until I saw them. And they saw me.

A/N: I know you dont like author's notes, so sorry. I know this book is short, but the end is near. So say hello to the end in around 10-20 hours. I am so sorry. I hope you have enjoyed so far. BTW, Jackson's picture is on the right.

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