Chapter 7: The Mistake

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        Okay fine, we, er, I made a mistake. We shouldn't have gone into the woods. Obviously there were more dangerous things in the woods. I mean, like duh. There were birds chirping like this was the most innocent place in the world. Then, quite suddenly, I heard a voice screaming for me. "Vanessa!" I thought and instinctively ran towards the sound. "Vanessa!" I screamed. "Vanessa!" I kept repeating the words over and over again.

        I came to a halt. Of course! They were jabberjays! The most wierdest (in my opinion) birds in the whole entire world. I traced back my footprints and ran back to my group of allies. Birds started to swirl around me, and when I reached my allies, they were pressing on something. Glass? I quickly tried to break it. I wasn't safe. Vanessa's voice came out of the jabberjays' throats. They were surrounding me. I felt pain and agony. Only pain and agony. And then, everything went black

        Annabelle's Dream

        "Mom! Vanessa" I yelled happily, prancing along the side of the river. My mother laughed as I danced my goofy dance. "Hey Jason!" Vanessa called."Where are you?" "Yeah little sis?" Jason said, smiling hugely. "Did I miss anything?" "You missed Annabelle dancing like an idiot!" she said, smiling back. I laughed at my bigger brother's pouting face. Suddenly, thunder boomed over head. "Annabelle!" said a mysterious voice. "Annabelle! Wake up! We need you!"

        Back to reality

        I felt something cold splash onto my face. "Wha...?" I spluttered. "Jason? Vanessa? Mom?" But all I saw were Percy and Jackson's face looming over mine. "You okay?" Jackson asked. "You were out for a whole 30 minutes. 30 min- 30 minutes????? "No way!" I yelled.

        "Yes way!" he replied

        "No way!"




        "Fine I give up. Who died?" I asked.

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