I realised one thing happened in my life this year...
I cried a lot not because I lost someone
I cried a lot not because I didn't get what I want
I cried a lot not because the sin I'd made
I cried a lot not because I missed someone
I cried a lot not because I got hurt
I cried a lot not because family issued
I cried a lot not because the drama I watched
The main reason why I cried a lot because of WORK.1.34 a.m. 20th April 2020 ~Cik Nas~
Puisi Gadis Jiwang
PoesíaSemua ini adalah hasil karya saya sendiri. Perah otak, tangan, mata dan seluruh anggota tubuh badan. Kalau nak ambil mintak izin dan creditkan. Just that.