1 - The One Where You are Introduced

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You're On!

You put your pencil down, out of breath from writing. It wasn't your greatest work yet, but you were ready to go to recess. You looked at your paper. "Only half a page..." you muttered. Your story consisted of a cat and its daily adventures. Your kindergarten self quickly decided that your teacher wouldn't notice if the rest of the page was filled with a giant THE END, so that was what you scribbled on there.

You quickly made your way to your teacher's desk. "I finished!"

She scanned your paper. "(Y/n), you're not finished. Go back and write some more."

This angered you, as you were the last person left in the classroom, everyone else having left to recess long ago. You thrusted the paper to her. "I'm finis—!" Your paper vanished, only to be quickly replaced with a cat. Silence followed.


Your teacher, on the other hand, was smiling in disbelief. She broke the silence, spelling the situation out for you with minimal words. "Your quirk!"

"You're applying to UA?" You almost jumped out of your seat. "Why would you - wait, no I don't mean it like that, it's just, you know UA."

"You're so mean!" Your purple-headed friend pointed an accusing finger at you. "You know I've always wanted to go there."

"Come on Minoru, you know I can't help it. Also, I didn't know you were being serious this whole time!" You responded defensively. Snickers were heard around him, but that was not much of a surprise. Most of his classmates didn't even see him as a person, much less a hero.

"I have to go there to become a great hero and get the ladies! Duh!"

"I suppose... then I'll apply with you!" Applying to UA was something you had always given thought to, but never seriously considered. You loved to write, which went hand-in-hand with your quirk. Graduating from UA and becoming a hero would definitely help with your passion... in some way.

Your best (and only) friend smirked. "Have you decided that you wanna be hot with the guys?"

Heat rushed to your face in an instant. "No! - well, that would be a plus, but that's not why!"

"Well, since we're both applying, we'll see who's better!" Minoru pumped his fist with a bit too much gusto.

You grinned in return. "You're on!"

Hello, welcome to this story. Please enjoy it
Happy reading! :)

There are parts that will not follow the exact way the actual story went. I intentionally do that

*Though this first chapter may seem to drag, I have many exciting things planned for this story, so stick around to see it all unfold!

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