6 - The One Where You Go to USJ

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For Good Measure

You greatly underestimated the hero course. On top of all of the rigorous training, the academic side of UA was no joke. Much to your disdain, you had to put aside your story-writing after school most days in order to study. You began to seriously regret going there.

You arrived to class ten minutes earlier than normal, hoping to be able to have some time to yourself before class started. There were only a few others there at that time. Relaxed, you put your earbuds in and started writing erotica for Minoru.

If you were being honest with yourself, you knew there was a side of you that enjoyed writing it. You could write out your wildest fantasies and not worry about anyone thinking lowly of you because Minoru was too horny to wonder where you got your inspiration from.

Someone walked by you, but you didn't think much of it until you realized they hadn't moved from the spot they were in for a while. You looked behind to find Sero, looking over your shoulder. Your eyes widened, and you immediately got defensive. "I- I don't like this stuff or anything!" You flipped the paper over in a hurry. "It's for someone else! Seriously!"

He just smiled and laughed. "Kaminari! You were so right!"

Kaminari bound over with a grin on his face. "Eyy, looks like Mineta was telling the truth. (Y/n), you write that for him!? Can you write some for me!?"

You weren't sure if you wanted to curl up in a ball and disappear forever or feel proud that someone else wanted you to write erotica for them. Before saying 'no,' you stopped yourself. Smirking, you gave him an OK sign. "Sure, if you pay me."

He seemed to consider it. When he answered, Kaminari didn't hesitate with his 'Yes!!'. You discussed prices with him, and soon everything was set in stone.

"If you want a specific scenario, kink, or anything else just tell me because I'm not sure what you're into," You added. I'm making money by writing smut holy-

Kaminari almost jumped with excitement. "Damn, I never imagined a girl in this class would do this! Thanks!" Three.

You swiftly removed your shirt, replacing it with your hero shirt. A tap on your shoulder caused you to whirl around. You were met with Mina's shocked face. She spoke in a voice more hushed than her usual one.

"Kaminari told me that you're writing... stuff... for him and Mineta."

You pursed your lips, unsure how to respond. You couldn't tell if she was more surprised or disgusted. "I mean, he's paying me. So yes." Please don't hate me. Please don't hate me.

She grabbed both of your hands. "That's actually so cool, (y/n)!!" You let out a sigh in relief. "Way to make money!"

Tsuyu heard Mina and asked, "What happened?"

You froze. Mina, bless her soul, was probably the only one who would support you in such a way. The others would not hate you forever because of it, but you didn't want them to feel uneasy around you.

Mina spoke before you could make up some unbelievable lie. "(Y/n)... is making money from writing cute little stories!"

Yaoyorozu beamed. "That's wonderful, (y/n)! I'm so glad you're making money from something you enjoy."

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