13 - Bloodsicle

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The One Where You Make a Deal

It all happened too quickly for you to fully comprehend what was going on. Your heart raced as you were dragged deep into an alley. It eventually came to a stop, but a knife was then held against your neck.

"You have to walk with us the rest of the way," a girl's voice said. "but if you try to run..." You felt the knife dig deeper into your skin. A tiny trickle of blood ran down the side of your neck. Despite the clearly dangerous circumstance, you couldn't help but think Bloodsicle.

You nodded. Are they villains?

They kept you in front, so you could not see who exactly the people kidnapping you were. You were led through many dark twists and turns – too many for you to find your way back without a GPS. After a few minutes, you arrived at a small abandoned place.

Your abductors harshly threw you to the floor. Your bottom ached.

"Wha? Where's Shigaraki?" This time, you could actually see who was talking. Or... not. The voice led to a man covered head-to-toe with some sort of black suit.

You did a quick sweep of everyone in the room. There was a man in a tight black suit, a girl in some uniform, and another man with purple skin. Hm... that part's probably not skin.

"Him and Kurogiri went to see the master," the purple-skinned one answered. It's like he is part fabric. "Why did you bring her today?" He jutted his chin at you.

"We couldn't wait!!" The girl with more knives than you'd like exclaimed with a single clap. "Ask Twice! We really just wanted to take her today! But we'll let her go anyways!"

You paid little attention to what they were saying. You would be lying if you said you hadn't dreamt of being kidnapped before. It was still a bit frightening, though, what with Knife seeming a bit too excited. You spoke before you could stop yourself. "You'll let me go?"

"We saw you steal! And you're a UA student, right?" Knife completely ignored your question. She was about to go on about something again, but Fabric interjected.

"Are you a secret criminal or something?"

You looked away. It felt like a stab in your chest, being reminded of what you did. Forget about it and move on – that's what you were planning to do. "I just needed some stuff," you murmured. "I'm not a criminal."

Suit Man exaggeratedly sighed. "What did you expect, Dabi? You think one of those hero kids would admit to being a criminal?" So Fabric's name was Dabi.

Knife cackled and stared at you. "We have it on video." Your eyes widened, and you forgot how to breathe for a moment. She continued. "We don't really need you right now. But! You're going to tell us what we want to know about UA! Like, if you're going somewhere, you'll tell us! So we can crash the party!"

Your heart raced again. Help some villains in secret? This was the kind of juicy stuff you loved to write about. Already, you imagined what you would do in the future. And in the even further future? Was it possible that you could gain fame... the other way?

Suit Man looked at you, then at the other two. He looked back to you. "Why do you look happy?"

"Can you pay me?" Whether you chose to ignore it or not, money was not going to rain from the sky and save you and your siblings from your money problems. "If you pay me, I'll do it. Anything."

Break Time!

Fun fact:

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