18 - Mind Made Up

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The One Where You... I Dunno. There Is a Lot in this Chapter

When you came to, the first thing you noticed was Van kneeling beside you on the bed, seeming extremely sorrowful. Your slowly blinking eyes alerted her that you were awake at last.

"(Y/n)!" She cried and buried her face in your neck. "I'm so so so so... sorry!"

She spoke in first person. You recalled the events that led to the stinging sensation across your bare back. Pain, you discovered, was not fun. Your attention switched back to Van. You could not find a reason for the little girl to apologize. "Huh? It's alright." You weakly patted her head.

"Daddyyyyy (y/n)'s okay!" Van hopped off of the bed and held her hand out to you, as if inviting you to leave. You were about to accept, only to realize that each movement you made sent a wave of pain across your back.

Once again, you could not hear him coming. Even the door bursting open produced little sound. "Not so fast," Wook lowered his daughter's hand. "(Y/n) probably cannot move."

Van nodded, covering her face with a serious expression. "Van will get (y/n) ice cream now." She stood up straight and exited.

"Now," Wook warned and turned to you. "Do not be alarmed." He swiftly leaned down to you and pecked your forehead, like what he did when he carried you down the hallway except this time was much more brief.

You were alarmed all right. And even more so as you sunk into your own body. "What?" you tried to ask, but it was to no avail. You could see through your eyes, but you could not control anything in your body, including your own voice.

"I lied. I have a quirk." He playfully shrugged, as if saying, 'Oops! Sorta lied to you about a big thing. Silly me!'

Your body sat up with ease by itself, the bed sheet covering you folding with you. You did not feel any bit of pain. In fact, since Wook kissed your forehead, you hadn't felt anything besides utter confusion and the feeling of what the hell is going on.

"Excuse me for using it so abruptly, but this way I can tell you about it while demonstrating, and your pain will temporarily go away," Wook said. "The real reason that my parents kicked me out was not because she became pregnant. They thought that I... raped her using my quirk."

Now you were even more lost. You wanted to say 'Huh?' but once again forgot that you could not do anything for some reason.

"By kissing or licking someone's face, I can control them for a certain amount of time." He held a finger up as he explained. "But licking is gross, so whenever I need to use it, I resort to a peck."

You could see why he told you he was quirkless at first. If he had told you the truth right off the bat, you would have felt extremely uncomfortable.

"No worries though. I can control if I want to activate it or not." He grinned that unsettling grin of his.

You did a double take. No worries? Why would you worry about him activating it? That would have been comforting if you kissed him regularly, but otherwise...

You cursed yourself, hoping that while you were under his control, blushes did not appear. With you luck, it was very apparent, revealing that you may or may not have been thinking impure thoughts.

Your body fell back into the bed, and the pain returned. "Just keep me under your spell forever, would you? My back hurts." You were only half kidding – it was very peaceful pain-wise for the time his quirk was activated.

"How bold of you, (y/n)," Wook said, pretending to be shocked. He kneeled by your bedside and rested his elbows on the bed, face resting in his hands. "I'd have to kiss you again."

Break Time!

Author's Confessions
In this very chapter, there was going to be a scene where (y/n) had a ton of missed called from Todoroki.
—I took it out because Todoroki has been getting too much attention these past few chapters hahah

And so we continue...

"I'd have to kiss you again."

Your deep blush made a grand return. "I- I was joking..." you murmured. You hated how he was looking at you; because you were looking down at him, the angle did not do your face much justice.

The door bursted open again for the second time since you regained consciousness, and Wook stood up. The open door revealed Van bounding in with an ice cream cone in her hand. "Van looked, but she could not find ice cream. So here's this!" She thrust the empty cone to you, beckoning for you to take it.

"Thank you, Van, but I..." You would have gestured to your arms, but you were still basically immobile.

She put the waffle cone on the table by you. There was not a table here last time. She studied you, her finger pressing into her chin. "Where did your shirt go?"

"What do you-" you looked down. With the bed sheets curled down to your waist from when you folded up, your bandaged abdomen was exposed. At least your upper undergarments were still there.

Of course he would not have been able to treat your deep wounds with a shirt in the way. You still wanted to know where it was, though.

"I had originally planned to go on patrol around Hosu tomorrow, but your injury..." He glanced at you and awaited a response.

Hosu? You recalled Kurogiri revealing that that was where the League would be. That was also where Stain would be. "I'll be fine tomorrow!" You exclaimed. You raised your arms, ignoring the affliction that came with the action. "Already getting better!" You added a thumbs-up for effect.

"Van is going to sleep now," the small girl groggily said. "Goodnight." She trudged out of the door, leaving you with Wook once again.

"(Y/n)." He caught your attention.


"I can help you heal faster, with the aid of my quirk. However, in order for my controlling to last longer and be spot on, it has to be right..." He squatted by you and placed his finger on your lips. "...here."

You still hadn't had your first kiss yet, and you were not sure if you wanted to give it up for the sake of healing. But... a kiss from Wook? Now, that was something. As creepy as he first seemed, you began to see how, well, good-looking he was during the training. The way he was all over you when assisting you with shooting was not a time to be forgotten. And when he whisked you up almost as soon at you fell...

"It would have to be for a much longer time, of course. But you could be completely regenerated within an hour," he carefully explained. "And you would definitely get to go to Hosu. Your choice," he added as an afterthought.

You felt as if your heart was beating out of your chest. You wanted to believe that you were going to take more time to mull over your answer like someone responsible – someone who wasn't willing to throw away their first kiss in an instant just because the guy was hot.

But from the moment he placed his finger on your lips, you had your mind made up already.

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