27 - Interest

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The One Where They Wonder What is so Interesting About You

You rolled from side to side in your seat, glancing at Uraraka every few seconds. "Um..." you eventually voiced. "Thanks for letting me sit with you."

"Of course!" she replied. "It wouldn't be nice to let you eat alone."

Shoto still hadn't made an appearance. You found that you were too anxious to even eat. Had the League decided to kill him? No, of course not. I shouldn't let my mind run wild. Maybe Endeavour pulled him out of school for training.

You clenched your fists and tried to think about anything other than him. Ah, right! Your parents! Where the hell were they, anyways? Hideo had, on multiple occasions, tried to make sure that you and Ayano weren't panicking. It was pretty strange how you accepted the idea that their phones broke. If they were dead, you would have already known. Somehow. You groaned. Why can't I just write books and be happy?

"(L/n)? You look really frustrated," Uraraka said with a worried face. "If you're really that worried for Todoroki, maybe you should just call him."

You waved your hand no. "That's not it. I was just thinking about the homework I forgot to do," you lied. "I'm sure he's just sick or something."

"Oh... okay!" She smiled brightly and went back to chowing down on her food. "This is some real gourmet stuff," she mumbled through her chews.

If you didn't up your game, you would be as poor as Uraraka soon enough. Speaking of which, when was the last time the League payed you? You struggled to remember.

There you were - friend-less and unpayed. It wouldn't hurt to try chatting with someone else, right? The only times you ever spoke to anyone other than your dear Shoto was your occasional conversation with Yuga or telling Bakugo to stop making your life a living hell. You looked to your right, where Uraraka was already blabbing on to Midoriya about her favorite heroes.

You mustered up the courage to tap her shoulder. She glanced back at you with a smile. "Hey (y/n)! Is something up?"

"N-no," you slowly started. "I was just wondering if, maybe, and you don't have to if you don't want to, we could possibly, I dunno, be friends?" This is how to make friends, right?

"Pffft-" she burst out laughing.

You felt your heart drop and face heat up. Of course. You probably sounded stupid - why would she want to befriend you?

"I thought we already were!" she exclaimed.


You noticed that on the other side of the table, Midoriya's eyes widened as he looked behind you. "Todoroki!"

Rather than turning around, you tilted your head back and came face-to-face with Shoto's upside-down face. You grinned. "You're back." He gently placed his hands on your shoulders.

"I felt sick earlier," he said, smiling at you. His split-colored bangs hung freely, just barely brushing your face. "And here I was worried that you would be lonely."

Well, he wasn't too far from the truth. "Yeahhh..." you trailed off. "You seemed fine yesterday, though."

You, Uraraka, and Midoriya waited eagerly for his response. "I, uh, woke up this morning with a sore throat. It's gone now." He cleared his throat for effect.

"Well that's good!" Uraraka cheered. "It would've been bad if you were too sick to go to the summer training camp!"

Both you and Shoto froze at her words. The two of you made eye contact, a million thoughts going through your heads. You forced your eyes to soften and look into his. "Yeah, that would suck."

Shoto recalled his own little visit to the League that very morning. He had given the address of the camp to them in hopes that if you ever got caught, your punishment wouldn't be as severe as his. He was doing it all for you. However long you decided to keep it a secret was what he would go by.

He wasn't sure if you knew about their plans to kidnap Bakugo, though. That could be a problem.

"Aya and (y/n) might not care as much," Eizou mumbled on and tried to take Eiko's phone away. "but Hideo will be suspicious."

Eiji scoffed. "As if our sudden absence wasn't suspicious enough. Remember? We said we'd tell them that it was a test." She hit the Send button after snatching her phone back. A large sum of money was sent to Hideo's account.

"If (y/n) decides to run away, my doors are always o-"

"Shut it," Eiko ordered. She and her husband glared daggers at him. "She's a goddamn minor. I would have turned you into the police years ago if I could."

Eizou placed a hand on her shoulder and cleared his throat. "Ahem. Yeah. Stay away from (y/n)."

The younger man raised his hands in fake defense. "All I'm saying is that she was a blushing mess when I kissed her," he said slowly, recalling your reactions. "All three times. Or four. I lost count."

Eiko's blood boiled, and it took everything she had to not lunge at him right then and there. She would have, had they not been in an airport. "Once this is all over, I will tear you apart. One hour for each time you put your filthy hands on her." She calmed herself. "Who knows? I might lose count."

"E-eiko, you know he's only saying all that to get on your nerves," Eizou offered.

"He's a whole nineteen year old! And he has a kid! Poor Evangelion, having to call that Wook her father," she yelled. "If he tries to put a baby in my daughter, it is over for him!"

Wook said nothing. He just smirked and brushed his dark blue hair away from his face.

"Kidnapping a 1A student!?" Ayano gasped. "That'll never work out. They'll have tons of heroes going after him! I can just imagine how that'll end up..." She looked up into the sky, picturing one of the many scenarios that would occur should Katsuki Bakugo be successfully kidnapped. Van skipped beside her and kicked pebbles.

"Bakugo won't comply," Van said, holding her arms behind her back. "Van tried to tell Daddy last week, but he didn't care if their plan worked out or not."

"So why didn't you tell the League instead?"

Van scrunched her nose. "Van doesn't like them."

"(Y/n)'s complained about Bakugo a ton, y'know. Don't think she's ever hated someone that much," Ayano revealed while speeding her pace to match Van's speed. "What if he sees her and Todoroki there? What happens? They'll have to kill him, right?"

"Yes!" Van responded cheerily. "Or... maybe not. Van doesn't think the League cares about (y/n). Van wonders why they took her in."

"Uhh 'cause she was desperate for money?" Ayano suggested. She thought about her own words for a moment, then shook her head. "Pfft. They wouldn't care. Maybe they thought she'd turn them in." When Van laughed, Ayano took back her words a second time. "They could've just killed her..."

Even Van, knowing way more about the League than Ayano, was completely confused. She realized that she didn't know why the League ever took interest in you.

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