4 - The One Where Your Home Life is Introduced

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Longer Than They Thought

"(Y/N)!! How was your first day at UA?" Your older brother, Hideo, didn't waste a second and bombarded you with many other questions. As usual, he had a book and piece of paper in hand. "Any new friends? In Minoru in your class? Did he do anything weird yet? What's the hero course like?"

"We had a test and I scored second to last," you dully answered his first question. "No, everyone is weird. And of course, Noru was thirsting over the girls already. If he didn't, I'd be worried. The hero course sucks and I wish I never applied." You said that all in six seconds.

He didn't show any signs of being fazed by your flurry of words. "It's no surprise that you don't like it so far. You never use your quirk for physical things..." He trailed off with more reasons why you might have disliked the course. "But! Think of why you want to become a hero. You have to try a little harder than that to become one."

Your mind drifted off to a time where you are a hero and the fame that goes with it. You smiled especially thinking about what the fame will bring you, but you quickly pulled your face back to normal. "Whatever. I don't really care anyways."

"By the way, I saw the short story you left last night. Why didn't you capitalize any letters?" He asked you, glancing at the paper in hand – your short story, you presumed.

You shrugged. "Trying something new. How long did it take you?"

"Less than a second." That has got to be a record.

Your attention switched from Hideo to the slamming of the door that you just came from. Your sister's small self stormed in. Before she could go off on a rant, your brother spoke first. "Judging from the way you're manhandling your sketchbook, you got in trouble for drawing in class?" This was not the first time this happened to Ayano.

"IT WAS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, WHY DID SHE CARE IF I WAS DRAWING?" Your little sister had an outburst. "And then I got in trouble for using my quirk, but it's all in my head! How would she even know!?"

Ayano glanced at yours and his unbothered faces. Her own face calmed down. "Anyways, how was your day?"

You were peacefully writing more mini stories for Minoru. He, himself, was in your room with you, scrolling through his phone looking at... whatever it is he looked at. It was not unusual to spend your afternoons and evenings with him. Uninvited, your sister barged in your room, clothed with only a towel.

You glared at her. "At least change before you come here."

"I want your stories NOW!" She demanded. Her gaze wandered to the boy by you, and she shuddered.

Minoru looked at her, then looked away. Ever since a certain incident (which wasn't too long ago), he didn't allow himself to lay eyes on Ayano for any longer than a second if any sexual thoughts came to him. It was especially hard because at home, she tended to walk in wearing anything – usually very little.

Her face turned red, matching her tomato-colored hair. "Why is that pervert here! Kick him out!"

"Ayano, I'm sorry. How many times do I have to tell you?" Your little friend didn't show respect for any girl as much as he did for your sister. You could tell he was still genuinely sorry. That was the one thing you admired about him.

Despite his presence in the room, you knew Ayano wouldn't leave you alone until you gave her something to draw or imagine. You scrambled for a paper with some sort of story going on. The one you grabbed was unfinished, but you knew she didn't care. "Take this," you grumbled, vigorously shaking the paper for her to take it. She gleefully did so.

Not even a moment after leaving your room, she shrieked. "MY MIND! (Y/N), THIS IS NORU'S TYPE OF STORY NOT MINE!" You heard a faint hum coming from her. "I guess I could try drawing this, though, and try something new."

You checked the time. Finally. You leaned back in your chair stretching your arms above your head. Your back made a popping noise in the process. Your brother's voice erupted from behind your door.

"She's cracking! (Y/n)'s done writing for the day!"

You looked at Minoru, who had put his phone away an hour ago and was reading one of Hideo's books. "Do you want to stay for dinner?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, thanks. My parents are working are working late tonight."

You made your way to the kitchen. Once there, you looked at the pan on the stove, then in the near-empty pantry. I cooked yesterday, though. You decided to reheat the large amount of leftovers from the day before.

Soon, you had portions out for the four of you, and you all were sitting around the table. You weren't surprised to see Ayano and Minoru sitting as close together as possible. You wondered when they would finally get together.

Your love life, on the other hand? You never went any further than having and getting over your many, many crushes throughout elementary and middle school. You loved love, you loved reading and writing and dreaming about it, but you never acted on it. Never once had you confessed to any of your crushes. You were a bit shocked that you hadn't already fallen heads-over-heels for some guy in your new class. Then again, you avoided talking to anyone for that very reason.

"(Y/n)'s dreaming about love~" Hideo teased.

You rolled your eyes. "Yeah right. Anyways, how are you liking your second year?"

"You wouldn't believe how many people want to have book-relating jobs like me!" He exclaimed, followed by a chuckle. "They're all envious of my quirk, of course, but that's only natural."

Minoru left right after dinner and bid his farewells before exiting. As usual, he sent another 'sorry' Ayano's way, and she pretended to not notice it. Nothing new there.

The moment the door closed, you turned to Hideo. "Mother and Father said they would be home by the beginning of the school year."

He averted his gaze. "Maybe it's just taking them longer than they thought it would."

I will start doing little breaks in future chapter that have some facts about characters/quirks that I might not go into detail in the story

what would you like to find out about in these break times?

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